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                                 Laparoscopic Vasectomy vs Laparoscopic Sterilization in Dogs: A Comparison of Two Techniques

           Fig. 3: A piece of 2 to 3 cm of vas deferens was resected after   Fig. 4: After resection of vas deferens, the spermatic artery vein
              coagulation and removed through the cannula in group I  plexus was clipped by applying two titanium clips at a distance of
                                                              1 to 2 cm, using clip applicator in animals of group II
          Intraoperative and Postoperative observations       samples were used to estimate the ceruloplasmin (acute
                                                              phase proteins).
          The two operative techniques were evaluated based on flow
          rate and total utilization of carbon dioxide for each operation,   hormonal estimation
          instrument required, organ manipulation and maneuverability,
          intraoperative complications and surgical time which was   The plasma samples were used to estimate the cortisol and
          defined as from the beginning of first incision and up to the   testosterone hormone by radioimmunoassay (RIA) using
          last skin suture. General behavior, including discomfort and   RIA kit. 9
          uneasiness, feeding habits, defecation and urination, licking   The data were subjected to two-way analysis of variance
          of the suture site, was observed up to 7th postoperative day.   (ANOVA) and the mean values of different time interval
          Each animal was carefully monitored for complications,   were compared with base level using paired ‘t’ test.
          like emphysema, port-site herniation, bacterial peritonitis,   ReSULTS
          ascites and stitch abscess.
                                                              Intraoperative and Postoperative observations
          Clinical observations                               Surgical phase of anesthesia in all the animals were achieved
          The respiratory rate (breaths/min), heart rate (beats/min)   by administering xylazine and ketamine combination. In
          and rectal temperature (ºF) were recorded before start of   both the groups no additional anesthesia was required in any
          operation, immediately after completion of operation and   animal during entire surgical procedure. The postsurgical
          on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 after surgery.                recovery from anesthesia in both the groups was smooth
                                                              and uneventful. Establishment of capnoperitoneum (CP) in
          hematobiochemical observations                      each animal of both groups was found easy and safe. The CP
                                                              was established at 10 mm Hg pressure gradient. This pres-
          Blood smears were made for differential leukocyte count   sure was found adequate to perform laparoscopic surgery
          (DLC) using standard procedure at before start of operation   in the animals of both the groups. The CO  flow rate of 2 l/
          and immediately after completion of operation and on days   minute was also found sufficient to maintain intra-abdominal
          1, 3, 5 and 7 after surgery. Heparinized blood was collected   pressure during surgery. The total utilization of CO  gas for
          at before start of and immediately after completion of opera-  laparoscopic sterilization in group II (16.00 ± 0.78), which
          tion and on day 1, 3, 5 and 7 after surgery. The plasma was   was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than animals of group I
          separated for estimation of alkaline and acid phosphatase.
                                                              (8.04 ± 0.33).
                                                                 For the laparoscopic sterilization, three ports were found
          estimation of oxidative Stress
                                                              sufficient to conduct the sterilization procedure but, the port
          The phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) suspended red blood  size were different. In group I, three ports of 6 mm size
          cells (RBCs) were used to evaluate oxidative stress by estima-  were required whereas, in group II, one 6 mm size port for
          ting lipid peroxidation (LPO),  catalase (CAT),  superoxide  insertion of telescope (5 mm) and two 11 mm size ports for
          dismutase (SOD)  and reduced glutathione.  The plasma   clip applicator (10 mm) were required. In group II, endoclips
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2014;7(1):7-15                                 9
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