Page 7 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                           Sleeve Gastrectomy for Morbid Obesity: Robotic vs Standard Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Methods

                                         Table 3: mean percentage change in bmi at 1 year
           Si/no.                       SLSG                                          RSG
                    Preop BMI     Postop BMI     Change in BMI (%)  Preop BMI   Postop BMI     Change in BMI (%)
             1      44.5          26.3           40.9             48.1          33.1           31.2
             2      47.0          26.1           44.5             60.0          36.3           39.5
             3      49.0          33.0           32.7             48.3          29.0           40.0
             4      58.2          34.4           40.9             54.4          33.2           39.0
             5      72.1          39.7           44.9             45.9          29.3           36.2
             6      44.2          23.0           48.0             46.5          26.5           43.0
             7      54.0          31.8           41.1             43.0          27.1           37.0
             8      42.0          22.2           47.1             40.9          23.3           43.0
             9      46.0          29.3           36.3             47.0          29.1           38.1
             10     45.0          30.2           32.9             42.6          25.6           39.9
             11     59.1          36.1           38.9             82.6          50.3           39.1
             12     42.4          26.4           37.7             42.0          24.0           42.9
             13     49.0          28.1           42.7             44.0          27.0           38.6
             14     43.0          26.1           39.3             46.0          27.1           41.1
             15     62.0          27.4           55.8             51.5          29.4           42.9
             16     77.3          38.7           49.9             55.0          31.2           43.3
             17     47.5          30.8           35.2             48.0          26.7           44.4
             18     61.6          37.2           39.6             42.0          25.7           38.8
             19     53.6          33.3           37.9             51.0          29.1           42.9
             20     45.2          25.8           42.9             81.0          47.2           41.7
             Mean   53.1          30.3           41.5             51.0          30.5           40.1
               p = 30.144; c  = 15.309 (SLSG); c  = 4.323 (RSG); p > c ; Data is reproducible; BMI: body mass index
          this new technology may have influenced their choice of     The findings above implied that the use of robotic
          patient selection.                                  Da Vinci in carrying out sleeve gastrectomy for morbid
             The mean quality of life index for SLSG rose from a  obesity had comparable outcome in terms of percentage
          preoperative value of 2.3 to 8.3 after surgery, and from a  excess weight loss, quality of life index, and duration of
          value of 2.3 to a postoperative value of 8.45 for RSG. These  hospital stay. Though RSG attracted a higher operative
          values are in agreement with a previous study by bindal V   cost and a longer duration of surgery, the complication rate
          et al  which reported a rise in value from 2.7 to 8.2. This  was more than twice lower than SLSG. This is significant,
          study was carried out in the same center and the surgeries  as any major complication when it occurs could increase
          were done by the same team of bariatric surgeons.   cost of care of such patient. Improved surgeon’s comfort
             The resolution of obstructive sleep apnea was dramatic  and uniqueness of the robot indirectly reduced complica-
          with a values of 81.8 and 78.6% (ratio 1.04:1) observed   tion rate.
          for RSG and SLSG patients respectively, within the first      That this study was done in a bariatric surgery center in
          1 month, and 100% for both in 3 months. Among diabetic   which the same team of surgeons operated and followed up
          patients, 81.9% in SLSG group and 71.4% of RSG patients   the patients and the findings came out to be in agreement
          (ratio 1.15:1) were off their insulin at 1 year. Fifty-eight   with that of other researchers on this subject, is an area of
          (58.3%) of hypertensive patients were off their drugs at   strength. However, being a short-term retrospective study
          1 year for SLSG patients and 64.3% (ratio 1:1.1) was the   is a limitation. A prospective long-term study would have
          finding for RSG patients. Similar resolutions were observed   been preferred to enable one to draw conclusion on long-
          by bindal V  with values of 93% for ObSA; 78.94% for   term benefit of the two methods.
          diabetes and 62% for hypertensive patients. It is also in
          agreement with the work of Noun R et al  with a value of   COnCLuSIOn And ReCOMMendATIOn
          70.5% for comorbidities.
             Three patients (15%) were observed to have some  Sleeve gastrectomy by robotic method in a developing country
          signi ficant  complications  among  the  SLSG  group  as   experience, has comparative advantage over standard laparo-
          against one patient (5%) in the RSG group. These values  scopic methods in reducing complications in the ratio of

          corroborated the study conducted by Nathan Miller et al   more than 2:1, as earlier reported in the developed world.
          which reported a 12% for SLSG and 5% RSG as compli-  The main advantage of the robotic method is to the surgeon,
          cation rates.                                       by improving comfort and reducing fatigue, and indirectly to
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2014;7(1):1-6                                  5
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