Page 36 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 36

Mandavi Rai
          he intends to use. This indicates that in spite of the  or splenic surgery or palpable gastropancreatic mass.
          improve ment in the technology and experience, primary  A 5 mm telescope can be introduced at the same site of
          access complications were decreased but not completely  Veress needle visualize the periumblical adhesions, then
          eliminated.                                         a 10 mm trocar can be introduced under direct vision,
             The included techniques (Veress needle pneumo­   followed by additional trocar/cannula system inserted
          pertonium, trocar/cannula system). Open (Hasson)     under direct vision as required. Therefore, the angle of
          technique. Direct trocar insertion without prior pneumo­  Veress needle insertion should vary accordingly from
          peritoneum. The use of shielded disposable trocars. Opti­  45º in nonobese women to 90º in very obese women.
          cal Veress needle and optical trocar. Radically expanding   Several tests have been recommended to ascertain correct
          trocar and the trocarless, reusable visual access cannula. 4  placement of Veress needle in the peritoneal cavity.
                                                                 These include:
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               •  Double click sound of the Veress needle test
                                                              •  Aspiration test
          A Literature review was performed using PubMed, Med   •  Hanging drop of saline test
          Space, Springer Link and search engines like Google   •  Syringe test. 8
          and Yahoo. Following search terms were used: trocar,   A recent retrospective study evaluating these four
          laproscopy, complications and pneumoperitoneum, entry   tests reported that non of four tests proved confirmatory
          technique. Total of 10,000 citations were found. Selected   for the intraperitoneal placement of the Veress needle and
          papers were screened for further references. Publica­  concluded that the most valuable test is to observe actual
          tions that featured illustrations and statistical methods   insufflation pressure (intraperitoneal) to be 8 mm Hg
          of analysis are selected.                           or less, and the gas is flowing freely.  It has been shown
                                                              that achieving high intraperitoneal pressure (HIP) entry
          Different Laparoscopic Entry or                     ranging from 20 to 25 mm Hg will increase the gas
          Access Techniques                                   bubble and produce greater splinting of the anterior

          Veress Needle and Pnemoperitoneum                   abdominal wall and increase the distance between the
                                                              umbilicus and bifurcation of the aorta from 0.6 cm (at
          Veress needle was first popularized by Roal Palmer of  pressure of 12 mm Hg) to 5.9 cm. This will allow easy
          France 1947. The creation of pneumoperitoneum remains  entry of the primary trocar and minimize the risk of
          an essential step of successful laparoscopic surgery.  vascular injury.  The high pressure entry technique
          Being a blind procedure, it is associated with injury  is recommended by the Royal College of Obstetricians
          to the vascular and visceral contents of the peritoneal  and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London and The Society of
          cavity. It is the most popular technique used by most  Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). 11,12
          of the laparoscopic surgeons worldwide to achieve  New modifications to the Veress needle have been
          pneumoperitoneum. There are many sites for insertion  introduced to minimize Veress needle associated
          for Veress needle to achieve pneumoperitoneum. In the  injury. These include pressure sensor equipped Veress
          usual circumstances in a patient with an average body  needle, optical Veress needle. However, none of these
          mass index (BMI) and no history of previous or suspected  new modifications has been proved to be superior
          intraperitoneal adhesions, the Veress needle is inserted   to the classic Veress needle and eliminated Veress
          through an incision at the base of the umbilicus. In obese   needle­related injury. Controlled randomized trials are
          patient with BMI > 30 or patient with history of previous   recommended to ascertain their safety and justify their
          midline incision, or failed pneumopertonium after three   extra cost (Fig. 1). 13
          attempts alternative site for Veress needle insertion may
          be thought. The second common site for insertion of   Hassons Method
          Veress needle is the Palmer’s point which lies 3 cm below   Hasson (open) entry technique was first described by
          the left costal border in the midclavicular line.  This  Harrith Hasson in 1971. When first reported his technique
          technique is recommended for obese or very thin patient,  Hasson claimed that his technique avoids Veress needle
          patient with history of previous midline surgery or  pneumoperitoneum and its associated complications (gas
          suspected intraperitoneal adhesions, or failure to achieve  embolism and vascular injury). This technique involves
          pneumoperitoneum after three attempts. It is essential to  incising the fascial layer and holding its edges by two
          decompress the stomach using nasogastric tube suction.  lateral stay sutures, these will be used to stabilize the
          This technique should be avoided in patient known to  cannula. This will seal the abdominal wall incision to
          have hepatosplenomegally, history of previous gastric  the coned­shape sleeve. The telescope is introduced and
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