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             Comparison between Different Entry Techniques in Performing Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery

          Comparison between Different Entry Techniques in

          Performing Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic
          Gynecological Surgery

          Mandavi Rai

          ABSTRACT                                            safety of one technique over another. However, the included
                                                              studies are small and cannot be used to confirm safety of any
          Background: The main challenge facing the laparoscopic   particular technique. No single technique or instrument has
          surgery is the primary abdominal access, as it is usually a blind   been proved to eliminate laparoscopic entry-associated injury.
          procedure associated with vascular and visceral injuries. Lapa-  Proper evaluation of the patient, supported by good surgical
          roscopy is a very common procedure in gynecology. Complica-  skills and reasonably good knowledge of the technology of the
          tions associated with laparoscopy are often related to entry.   instruments remain to be the cornerstone for safe access and
          The life-threatening complications include injury to the bowel,   success in minimal access surgery.
          bladder, major abdominal vessels, and anterior abdominal-
          wall vessel. Other less serious complications can also occur,   Keywords: Complications, Laparoscopy, Pnumoperitoneum,
          such as postoperative infection, subcutaneous emphysema   Trocar.
          and extraperitoneal insufflation. There is no clear consensus
          as to the optimal method of entry into the peritoneal cavity. It   How to cite this article: Rai M. Comparison between Dif-
          has been proved from studies that 50% of laparoscopic major   ferent Entry Techniques in Performing Pneumoperitoneum
          complications occur prior to the commencement of the surgery.   in Laparos copic Gynecological Surgery. World J Lap Surg
          The surgeon must have adequate training and experience in   2015;8(3):101-106.
          laparoscopic surgery before intending to perform any proce-  Source of support: Nil
          dure independently. He should be familiar with the equipment,
          instrument and energy source he intends to use.     Conflict of interest: None
          Materials and methods: A Literature review was performed
          using PubMed, MedSpace, Springer Link and search engines   INTRODUCTION
          like Google and Yahoo. Following search terms were used:
          trocar, laparoscopy, complications and pneumoperitoneum,     The word laparoscopy originated from the Greek word
          entery  technique.  A  total  of  10,000  citations  were found.  (Lapro—abdomen, scopion—to examine). Laparoscopy
          Selected papers were screened for further references. Pub-  is the art of examining the abdominal cavity and its
          lications that featured illustrations and statistical methods of   contents. This is achieved by sufficiently distending the
          analysis are selected.
                                                              abdominal cavity (pneumoperitoneum) and visualizing
          Results: Fifty-one articles were reviewed and the the opera-  the abdominal contents using illuminated telescope.
          tions included in our study were diagnostic laparoscopy for
          infertility and abdominal pathology, ovarian cyst, total lapa-  Over the past 50 years, rapid advancement in technology
          roscopic hysterectomy, burch operation, myomectomy. The  in terms of electronics, optical equipments and other
          early complications recorded in our study are abdominal wall   ancil lary ins truments, combined with improved surgical
          vascular injuries, visceral injuries, bradycardia, preperitoneal   proficiency and expertize, laparoscopic surgery rapidly
          insufflations. The  incidence  of  laparoscopic  entry-related
          injuries in gynecological operations was 6.9%. Overall, there   advanced from a gynecological procedure for tubal steri­
          was no evidence of advantage using any single technique in  lization to one used in performing most of the surgical
          terms of preventing major complications. However, there were   procedures in all surgical and gynecological discipline
          two advantages with direct trocar entry when compared with   for a variety of indications.
          Veress-needle entry, in terms of avoiding extraperitoneal
          insufflation and failed entry.                          The main challenge facing the laparoscopic surgery
                                                              is the primary abdominal access, as it is usually a blind
          Conclusion: On the basis of evidence investigated in this
          review, there appears to be no evidence of benefit in terms of   procedure associated with vascular and visceral injuries.
                                                              It has been proved from studies that 50% of laparoscopic
                                                              major complications occur prior to the commencement
            Senior Resident                                   of the surgery. If there is delay in diagnosis of visceral
            Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Max Super Speciality   injuries or delay in reporting, the morbidity will increase
            Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, India                 and may lead to mortality. 3
            Corresponding Author:  Mandavi  Rai,  Senior  Resident      The surgeon must have adequate training and experi­
            Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Max Super Speciality   ence in laparoscopic surgery before intending to perform
            Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, India, Phone: 9910873175, e-mail:   any procedure independently. He should be familiar
                                                              with the equipment, instrument and energy source
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):101-106                      101
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