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                              A Rare Case of Nocturnal Urinary Incontinence and Menouria after Lower Segment Cesarean Section
          CASE REPORT

          A Rare Case of Nocturnal Urinary Incontinence and

          Menouria after Lower Segment Cesarean Section

          1 Deepti Shrivastava,  SB Bhute,  S Jajoo,  Priyakshi Chaudhry
          ABSTRACT                                            CASE REPORT
          Misgav Ladach technique for lower segment cesarean section   A 23 years old, P1L1, was admitted with chronic pelvic
          (LSCS) is considered advantageous universally but debate   pain, nocturnal bed wetting and cyclic hematuria during
          still continues about nonclosure in layers and further conse-
          quences, hence careful selection of cases and intraoperative   periods following her last cesarean section, performed
          decision of closure in layers is important if needed. The classical   2 years earlier in view of prolonged second stage of labor.
          Youssef syndrome comprises of cyclic hematuria, amenorrhea,  In day time she had frequency of urine but denied of
          menouria, and complete urinary continence in a patient who   any kind of incontinence. She was kept catheterized for
          had LSCS. Here by, we are presenting a case report of woman   45 days postoperatively due to hematuria at the time of
          suffered with chronic pelvic pain, menouria, nocturnal enuresis
          after her LSCS done for obstructed labor, although not exactly   LSCS. She noticed menouria too, when she resumed her
          same as Youssef syndrome but rare in occerence and relieved   cycles after the LSCS. Her menstrual flow through the
          after adhesiolysis and gonadotropin release hormone (GnRH)  genital tract was average in volume.
          analog therapy.                                         Her general and systemic examination findings
          Keywords: Menouria, Nocturnal enuresis, Obstructed labor.  were normal. She had a transverse cesarean scar. Pelvic
          How to cite this article: Shrivastava D, Bhute SB, Jajoo S,  examination revealed a normal sized anteverted uterus
          Chaudhry P. A Rare Case of Nocturnal Urinary Incontinence  with restricted mobility and induration felt through
          and Menouria after Lower Segment Cesarean Section. World J   fornices. Ultrasonography (USG) revealed normal size
          Lap Surg 2015;8(3):107-109.                         uterus and normal urinary bladder and adnexae. Diag-
          Source of support: Nil                              nostic hysterolaparoscopy with cystoscopy was planned.
          Conflict of interest: None                          On cystoscopy, a small depression in posterior bladder
                                                              wall was seen covered with clots, methylene blue was
          INTRODUCTION                                        instilled through cervix to see any spillage from blad-

          Lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) by Misgav Ladach   der wall but it was negative. From suspicious tissue,
          technique is the most frequently performed surgery by   biopsy was sent for histopathological examination. On
          obs tetricians today.  Incidences of postoperative adhesions   laparoscopy anterior surface of uterus was seen com-
          formation and urinary bladder endometriosis depend on   pletely adherent to anterior abdominal wall and only
          indivisual immune response of patient and to a some    upper surface of uterus was visualized surrounded by
          extent on skill of operator and careful selection of patients.   adhesions all over (Fig. 1).
          Recently peritoneal closure in two layers is documented   To rule out any vesicouterine fistula and dissecting
          by some studies to have lesser adhesion formation. 2,3  uterus, urinary bladder from anterior abdominal wall
             Due to its fast and minimalist approach, it has been   to make them free, laparotomy was done in same sit-
          adopted by obstetricians worldwide but sometimes dense   ting. On laparotomy, after some adhesiolysis uterus was
          adhesions are presented as a complication afterward.    appeared sitting over the urinary bladder and densely
          We are reporting one such case of overflow incontinence   fixed to anterior abdominal wall (Fig. 2). Even after
          and menouria due to dense adhesions and bladder wall   complete separation of uterus and urinary bladder no
          endometriosis following primary LSCS.               fistulous track was observed in between, may be there
                                                              was initial injury during primary LSCS which was healed
                                                              up lea ving behind some endometrial tissue in the bladder
                                                              wall. Omental pad was kept in between uterus and
            1 Professor and Head,  Professor,  Resident

            1-4 Department of Obstetrics Gynecology, Jawaharlal Nehru   urinary bladder. Postoperative period was uneventful.
            Medical College and Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital   Biopsy from urinary bladder confirmed endometrial
            DMIMS, Wardha, Maharashtra, India                 glands. She was discharged on injection Leuprolide 1.25
            Corresponding Author: Deepti Shrivastava, Professor and   mg for 3 months.
            Head, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Acharya Vinoba   Her urinary incontinence was totally resolved and
            Bhave Rural Hospital, DMIMS, Wardha, Maharashtra, India   when the patient resumed her cycles there was no
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):107-109                      107
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