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Rajendra Shitole
laparotomic approach, and is characterized by far less endometrial cancer: a randomized multi center study. BMC
blood loss and shorter postoperative hospitalization time. Cancer 2009;9(1):23.
Recently, some reports demonstrated that robotic surgery 11. Walker JL, Piedmonte M, Spirtos N, Eisenkop S, Schlaerth J,
is superior to laparoscopy in surgical staging of endome- Mannel RS, et al. Surgical staging of uterine cancer. Rand-
omized phase III trial of laparoscopy vs laparotomy: a gynec-
trial cancer. 22,23 However, the high cost limits universal logic oncology group study (GOG): preliminary results. J Clin
use. Further multicenter randomized trials with longer Oncol: ASCO annual proceedings part 1 2006;24(18S):5010
follow-up should be necessary to evaluate the overall 12. Chi DS, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y, et al. The safety and
oncologic outcomes of this procedure. efficacy of laparoscopic surgical staging of apparent stage I
ovarian and fallopian tube cancers. Am J Obstet Gynecol
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