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Rajendra Shitole 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1256
Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in
Gynecological Cancers
Rajendra Shitole
ABSTRACT endometriosis, pelvic pain, leiomyomata and adnexal
Background: Presently due to technological advances, opera- masses. Similarly, the role of minimal invasive surgery
tive laparoscopy now plays a crucial role in the management in the management of malignant disease has expanded.
of pelvic malignancies. With newly developed techniques to With newly developed techniques to complete both
complete both pelvic and para-aortic lymph node dissection, pelvic and para-aortic lymph node dissection, the use
the use of the laparoscope has increased in patients with pelvic
malignancies. Gynecological oncologists are currently incorpo- of minimal invasive surgical techniques has increased
rating the techniques of operative laparoscopy in the manage- in patients with pelvic malignancies. Gynecologic onco-
ment of patients with cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer. logists are currently incorporating the techniques of
Aim: To review literature on the role of minimal invasive surgery minimal invasive surgery in the management of patients
in various gynecological cancers. with cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancer.
Materials and methods: These were drawn from pre- Radical vaginal trachelectomy with laparoscopic
vious research materials online in PubMed, Cochrane library, pelvic lymphadenectomy has emerged as a safe, reaso-
Wikipedia. nable option for women with early-stage cervical cancer
Conclusion: Minimal invasive surgical approaches to the desiring fertility preservation. Similarly, laparoscopic
management of gynecologic malignancies are feasible and radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy has
provide exciting alternatives. However, the safety and efficacy
of these techniques compared to laparotomy in this setting been systematically described, is feasible, and can be of-
has not been carefully studied. Potential advantages include fered to women with early-stage cervical cancer who do
shorter operative time for some procedures, shorter recovery not desire future childbearing. In the treatment of early
times, and less adhesion formation. These new surgical tech- stage endometrial cancer, the surgical approach of laparo-
niques need to be evaluated critically and compared to more
traditional approaches. scopic hysterectomy, peritoneal washings, and pelvic and
para-aortic lymph node dissection, with or without an
Keywords: Gynecological cancers, Laparoscopy, Lympha-
denectomy, Minimally invasive surgery. omentectomy, is being compared with the same surgery
performed via laparotomy in the cooperative gynecologic
How to cite this article: Shitole R. Role of Minimally Invasive
Surgery in Gynecological Cancers. World J Lap Surg 2015;8(3): oncology group (GOG) LAP 2 study, which has completed
96-100. accrual, and appears to be a reasonable surgical option.
Source of support: Nil In ovarian cancer, minimally invasive surgery has been
Conflict of interest: None incorporated to manage early-stage, advanced-stage, and
recurrent disease, as well as second-look procedures.
INTRODUCTION Hand-assisted laparoscopy has also recently been de-
scribed in managing larger volume primary and recur-
In the past, the laparoscope has been used for few proce- rent gynecologic cancers.
dures like diagnostic and sterilization procedures. Due
to technologic advances, operative laparoscopy and other AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
minimal invasive surgical techniques now play a impor- To review literature on the role of minimal invasive sur-
tant role in the management of a wide variety of benign gery in various gynecological cancers.
gynecological conditions including ectopic pregnancy,
An extensive literature search online was done through
Senior Resident PubMed, Wikipedia, Cochrane and videos via YouTube.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr DY Patil Medical
College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, Maharashtra REVIEW OF ART ICLES
Cervical Cancer
Corresponding Author: Rajendra Shitole, Senior Resident
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr DY Patil Medical The issue of laparoscopy in the management of locally
College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-411018 advanced cervical cancer has been addressed by several
Maharashtra, India, e-mail:
authors. In particular, researchers from Korea, Chung et al, 1