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                                      Laparoscopic-assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy vs Hand-assisted Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

           Fig. 3: An incision is made with scissors in the anterior vesico-  Fig. 4: The bladder is dissected away from the anterior cervix
                            uterine peritoneum                                 by sharp dissection

             A window was created in the broad ligament with  phase, the uterus is removed vaginally (Fig. 5). After
          endoscopic scissors above the level of the ureter, extend-  removal of uterus, laparoscopic view to assure hemostasis
          ing from the infundibulopelvic ligament to the uterine  was done (Fig. 6).
          vessels which are controlled with clip applier or ligature.
             An incision was made with scissors in the anterior   Group 2: Hand-assisted laparoscopic
          vesicouterine peritoneum. The bladder was pushed    hysterectomy
          away from the anterior cervix by sharp dissection (Figs 3    The procedure is like group 1, but the intra-abdominal
          and 4). Posterior peritoneum was incised by diathermy  hand does most of the retracting action and also tactile
          and uterosacral ligament was transected.            sensation of the ureters. After freeing the whole uterus,
             The vaginal phase consists of posterior colpotomy,  the hand device is removed and the vagina is incised
          followed by clamping, cutting, and suture-ligating the  and the specimen is retrieved through the abdomen
          remaining paracervical tissues. The uterine vessels are  (Figs 7 and 8). The vaginal stump is closed with
          sought and controlled. After completing the vaginal  continuous vicryl sutures. Closure of LAP DISC wound

             Fig. 5: Vaginal phase of posterior colpotomy and uterus is   Fig. 6: After removal of uterus, laparoscopic
                            removed vaginally                               view to assure hemostasis

           A                                            B
                   Figs 7A and B: (A) Incision made in the pubic area to insert the LAB DISC; and (B) insertion of the LAB DISC
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):63-70                                 65
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