Page 20 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Sheriff Z Kotb et al
                     Table 6: Intraoperative complications              Table 7: Early postoperative findings
                        Group 1:   Group 2:                                       Group 1:    Group 2:
           Items        LAVH      HALH     Total     p-value  Items               LAVH        HALH       p-value
           Number       21        20       41                 Number              21          20
           Anesthetic    0        0        0                  Mean postoperative    11.24 ± 0.37  8.90 ± 1.89  0.010*
           problems                                           analgesic consumption
           Intraoperative    1 (4.8%)  0   1 (2.4%)  0.323    (75 mg Diclofenac Na)
           bleeding                                           Mean flatulence relief    27.81 ± 12.62 28.50 ± 4.10 0.814
           Bladder injury  2 (9.5%)  0     2 (4.9%)  0.157    time (hours)
           Ureteric injury  0     0        0         —        Mean ambulation     3.00 ± 1.22  2.50 ± 0.61  0.108
           Bowel injury  0        0        0         —        (nurse shifts)
           Vascular injury  0     0        0         —        Mean hospital stay    4.57 ± 1.50  3.45 ± 0.94  0.007*
           Conversion   2 (9.5%)  0        2 (4.9%)  0.157    (days)
          LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; HALH:   *Significant; LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy;
                                                              HALH: Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy
          Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy

          bleeding]) and one case in the HALH group due to wound  No cases were readmitted in the second group. No
          infection (Table 8).                                case had a recurrence until the end of the study (mean
             No significant difference was found between both  follow-up  period  was  24  months,  the  highest  is  36
          groups as regards resumption of ordinary daily activities.  months), as shown in Table 10.
          But the mean duration of resumption of coital activities    Our study found that hand piece in laparoscopic
          (if there were) was significantly lower in the HALH  hysterectomy allows for tactile sensation, easy specimen

          group (47.67 days) than in the LAVH group (58.00 days)  retrieval through hand-port site, rapid control of bleeding
          (Table 9).                                          by manual pressure, improved depth perception, and
                                                              shortened learning curve. It avoids conversion to open
                   Table 8: Early postoperative complications  approach and reduces operative time. On the contrary,
                            Group 1:  Group 2:        p-      the hand piece in laparoscopic hysterectomy has some
           Items            LAVH     HALH    Total    value   drawbacks as hand encroaches upon intra-abdominal
           Number           21       20      41               working space, requires large incision, and device-
           Fever            4 (19.0%) 1 (5.0%)  5 (12.2%) 0.169  dependent air leak was reported frequently. It is also
           Wound infection  1 (4.8%)  1 (5.0%)  2 (4.9%)  0.972
           Urinary tract infection 3 (14.3%) 0  3 (7.3%)  0.079  ergonomically unfavorable, leading to shoulder and
           Hematomas        0        0       0        —       forearm fatigue and strain. It also increases the costs of
           Deep venous      0        0       0        —       the operation (Table 11).
           Revision/        0        0       0        —               Table 10: Late postoperative complications
           secondary studies                                                  Group 1:   Group 2:
          LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; HALH:   Items     LAVH      HALH     Total  p-value
          Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy             Number          21        20       41
                                                              Vesicovaginal   1         0        1      0.323
                     Table 9: Late postoperative findings     fistula
                                Group 1:   Group 2:           Incisional hernia  0      0        1      0.323
                                LAVH       HALH     p-value   Readmission     1         0        2      0.927
           Number               21         20                 LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; HALH:
           Mean time for regaining    25.00 ±    23.25 ±    0.564  Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy
           daily activities (days)  12.35  5.45
           Mean time for regaining    15 †  15 †    0.018*
           coital activities (days) in    58.00 ±    47.67 ±    DISCUSSION
           sexually active cases  13.73    7.29               In most studies about laparoscopic hysterectomy,
          †This number represents only cases who are sexually active  dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a major indication.
          *Significant; LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy;
          HALH: Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy       This is different from our study which is restricted to
                                                              cases with tumors. In our study, uterine fibroids and
                                                              endometrial carcinoma comprised 78% of indications in
          Late Postoperative Complications
                                                              both groups.
          Wo cases in the first group were readmitted, one for   Our series of LAVH with mean operative time of
          repair of vesicovaginal fistula and the other for repair of  131.5 min is comparable with that of other studies: Ikram
          incisional hernia (after laparotomy to control bleeding).  et al  (178.0 min); Park et al  (253.8 min); Hong et al
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