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                                      Laparoscopic-assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy vs Hand-assisted Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
             Table 11: Technical difference between LAVH and HALH  We depended on the findings of Shiota et al  when
           Items            Group 1: LAVH    Group 2: HALH    we were planning for our study, so we chose 12 cm as a
           Incisions.       Only small stab    A 7 cm incision   cutting point for the size of the uterus or adnexa to be
                            incisions for ports  beside the   excluded from the study. In the future we are planning
                                             ordinary ports
           Incisional hernia  0              0                to study laparoscopic hysterectomy on larger uteri.
           Working space    More working space The hand inside   The reason for converting laparoscopic hysterectomy to
                                             the abdomen      the conventional abdominal approach was uncontrollable
                                             encroaches on    bleeding or bladder injury. As reported in other studies,
                                             the working space  BMI and uterus weight are confirmed to be independent
           Device-dependent    Rare          Occurs more                             19
           air leakage                                        risk factors for conversion.
           Specimen retrieval  Difficult     Easier              Hospital stay in the HALH group was shorter (3.45
           Control of bleeding  Slower       Rapid            days) than in the LAVH group (4.57 days). This difference
           Depth perception  Absent          Present          was statistically significant (p = 0.007). Duration of
           Conversion to open    2           0                hospital stay in our study is comparable to that of Ding
           approach                                           et al  (5 days), Soliman et al  (4.5 days) and Shin et al
           Operative time   Longer           Shorter          (3.79 days). Asian, especially Korean, studies reported
           Cost             Less             Higher                                                   12
          LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; HALH:   longer durations of hospital stay: Hong et al  (7 days)
          Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy             and Park et al  (10 days).
                                                                 We also found no statistically significant difference
                                                              between both groups as regards resumption of ordinary
          (270 min); Ding et al  (120 min); Twijnstra et al  (144   daily activities (mean time is 24 days). But the mean
          min); Shin et al  (112.5 min); and Song et al  (102 min).  duration of resumption of coital activities (if there were)
             Estimated blood loss, the need for blood transfusion,   was significantly lower in the HALH group (47.67 days)
          and haemoglobin reduction were higher in the LAVH   compared with the LAVH group (58.00 days). Yi et al,
          group, but the difference is not statistically significant.   in a meta-analysis, found this period to vary between 21
          Mean estimated blood loss in the LAVH group was 532.62   and 30 days (mean is 25 days).
          mL, which is higher than other studies: Ikram et al    For all malignant cases in the study, there were no
          (105.13 mL); Park et al  (433.6 mL); Hong et al  (500 mL);   residual or recurrent tumors. The relatively small number
          Ding et al  (200 mL); Twijnstra et al  (457 mL); Soliman   and the short interval of follow-up make this study
          et al  (517.5 mL); and Song et al  (314 mL).        inappropriate to discuss the effect of various laparoscopic
             In our study, there was no relationship between   approaches on the oncologic aspects.
          the uterine size and the operative time or the rate of
          complications. But our study cannot efficiently address
          this issue because our patient group was selected with   SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
          avoidance of relatively large uteri. In our institution,  Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy has become
          we are not familiar with morcellation because most of  a popular alternative to abdominal hysterectomy in cases
          our patients have malignant or potentially malignant  that are difficult to manage via vaginal route alone.
          conditions.                                            Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery was first des-
             Shiota et al  compared the surgical results (blood loss,  cribed in the early 1990s as a surgical method designed
          operative time, rates of conversion to laparotomy, intra-  to facilitate the performance of challenging laparoscopic
          and postoperative complications) among nine groups  procedures while maintaining the advantages of a mini-
          classified by uterine weight. Statistically significant  mally invasive approach.
          differences in surgical outcomes were found between    Our present study aims to compare between LAVH
          the group with a uterine weight ≥800 gm and the other  and laparoscopic HALH. We included 41 sequential
          groups. So when the uterine weight was ≥800 gm, total  patients scheduled for hysterectomy at OCMU from
          abdominal hysterectomy was more appropriate because  August 2010 to March 2013. They were divided randomly
          significant blood loss and/or complications would be  (patient by patient) into two groups.
          expected during LAVH. A removed uterus weighing        The clinical characteristics of the 41 patients were
          800 gm is reportedly equivalent to a preoperative uterine  similar as regards follow-up duration, age, parity, and
          size of approximately 12 cm. Therefore, LAVH may be  uterine size. The indications for hysterectomy among
          safely indicated for patients with a uterine size ≤12 cm  the study groups were nearly similar. No statistically
          (approximately equivalent to the uterine size at 16 weeks’  significant difference was found between the two groups
          gestation). 18                                      in operative time, which decreased progressively for
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):63-70                                 69
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