Page 18 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 18

Sheriff Z Kotb et al

                            A                             B
                           Figs 8A and B: (A) Hand-assisted technique at the moment of uterine artery control; and
                                                 (B) control of the uterine artery

          in two layers first the rectus sheath by vicryl 1-0 then   Table 2: The indications for hysterectomy among the study groups
          skin and a pneumoperitoneum is re-created to confirm                    Study groups
          homeostasis and re-check for peristalsis of the ureters.                Group 1:   Group 2:
                                                              Items               LAVH       HALH     Total
          RESULTS                                             Total number        21         20       41
                                                              Uterine fibroid     11 (52.5%)  8 (40%)  19 (46.4%)
          From August 2010 to March 2013, 41 consecutive patients   Endometrial carcinoma  4 (19%)  9 (45%)  13 (31.7%)
          fell within the criteria of the study. According to the date   Ovarian cancer  4 (19%)  2 (10%)  6 (14.6%)
          of admission, every patient was given an ordinal number.   Cervical carcinoma  2 (9.5%)  1 (5%)  3 (7.3%)
          Patients with odd number were scheduled to have LAVH,   LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; HALH: Hand-
          and those with even numbers were scheduled to have   assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy
             In our study the clinical characteristics of the 41 patients
          were similar as regards follow-up duration, age, parity, and
          uterine size (Table 1). The indications for hysterectomy
          among the study groups were nearly similar with uterine
          fibroids, and endometrial carcinoma comprised 78% of
          indications in both groups with no statistically significant
          difference (Table 2).
             The mean operative time of HALH was insignificantly
          shorter than that of LAVH (123.50 vs 131.67 min respec-
          tively) (Table 3). There was a significant decline in the
                                                                  Graph 1: The operative time for hysterectomy among
          operative time with progress of the study (160–105 min   laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy study group
          in the first group and 190 to 95 min in the second group)
          (Graph 1).
                                                                     Table 3: The operative time for hysterectomy
               Table 1: The clinical characteristics of the 61 patients      among the study groups
                                                                                Group 1: LAVH Group 2: HALH p-value
                     Group 1:    Group 2:              p-
           Items     LAVH       HALH        Total      value  Number            21          20
           Number    21         20          41                Mean time ± SD (min) 131.67 ± 24.92 123.50 ± 34.22 0.386
           Follow-up    20.71   20.90       20.78      0.959  Mean time in first    142.50 ± 16.3  151.00 ± 23.31 0.426
           (months)                                           10 cases (min)
           Mean age ±   48.52 ± 7.55 52.10 ± 10.71 48.66 ± 8.54 0.222  Mean time in last    121.82 ± 28.04 96.00 ± 15.78  0.058*
           SD (years)                                         10 cases (min)
           Mean Parity   3.14 ± 1.15  2.95 ± 1.15  3.15 ± 1.20  0.594  *Significant; LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy;
           ± SD                                               HALH: Hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy
           The largest   9.62 ± 1.72  9.85 ± 1.50  9.81 ± 1.70  0.649
           diameter of
           uterus (cm)                                           The need for blood transfusion was higher in the
          LAVH: Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy; HALH: Hand-  LAVH group, but the difference is not statistically signifi-
          assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy; SD: Standard deviation  cant (Table 4; Graph 2). We found no significant relation
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