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                                                 Percutaneous Transabdominal External Looped Needle for Peritoneal Closure
          DISCUSSION                                          of 0.2 to 0.5%. Additionally, the study by Kapiris et al.
                                                              reported reduced complaints of persistent inguinal pain
          The TAPP procedure has various technical difficulties
          and new devices have been developed that solve some   as they adopted a stable-free technique for mesh fixation
          of these problems.  Complete closure of the peritoneum   and peritoneal closure.  In our technique for perito-
          after TAPP repair is an essential step of the operation to   neal closure, the suture (Vicryl no. 0) passed through
          avoid on the one hand mesh exposure to the bowel with   the upper and lower peritoneal flaps with in between
          the risk of adhesion and bowel obstruction and on the   part of inner layer of anterior abdominal wall. So, this
          other hand bowel incarceration through herniation into   prevents cut through, or breakdown of peritoneal
          the preperitoneal space.  Penetrating devices, such as   flaps and obliteration of any gap. The external looped
          tacks, clips, staples, or strap devices should be avoided   needle was passed through the anterior abdominal wall
          for mesh fixation and also for peritoneal closure, because   directly over the peritoneal flaps, so no need of more
          of the risk of nerve injuries and adhesions.  LeBlanc    ports or much instruments. The manipulation of this
          reported tack hernia as one of the complications after     external looped needle is easy to a beginner laparoscopic
          using tacks for mesh fixation or peritoneal closure in   surgeon also.
          lapa roscopic hernia repair. The peritoneal incision
          should be noninvasively approximated, for instance, us-  CONCLUSION
          ing an absorbable, whose ends get fixed with absorbable  Peritoneal closure by using an external looped needle
          clips.  The patients who had the peritoneum closed with  is effective, easy, and needs no much instrumentations
          a running suture had reduced incidence (from 0.8–0.1%)  or experiences during TAPP repair of inguinal hernia.
          of small bowel obstruction from herniation through the
          peritoneal closure.  The suturing using intraperitoneal  REFERENCES
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