Page 30 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 30

Ankush Jairath et al

                 Graph 2: Cumulative requirement of analgesic       Graph 3: Trends in incidence of adverse effects

                       Table 2: Trends in systolic BP                         Table 3: Trends in RR
           Time       Group I         Group II                Time        Group I         Group II
           (hours)  Mean   SD      Mean    SD       p-value   (hours)  Mean    SD      Mean    SD      p-value
           0       131.44  16.54   146.08  18.02    0.0001    0       21.56    1.42    22.88   1.35    0.0001
           4       125.00  11.86   132.16  11.84    0.003     4       20.88    1.15    21.84   1.06    0.0001
           8       124.44  10.93   124.52  10.03    0.970     8       21.12    1.67    21.64   1.05    0.065
           16      121.48  9.96    125.24  11.71    0.087     16      20.48    1.49    20.56   1.28    0.774
           24      122.44  8.83    124.28  11.49    0.371     24      20.24    1.70    20.32   1.58    0.808
           SD: Standard deviation                             SD: Standard deviation

             The supplementary mean dose of rescue analgesic  maximum mean VAS score was observed at 8th hour
          (diclofenac sodium, 3 mL, 75 mg) in first hour and  (2.32 ± 0.96 cm). Administration of rescue analgesic there-
          24 hours were significantly higher in group II, being  after leads to downward trend in subsequent pain scores.
          76.47 ± 10.39 mg and 213 ± 41.11 mg as compared to  The results are consistent with findings of Golubovic et al

          group I of 0 and 84 ± 59.92 mg respectively (Graph 2).  who showed this significant reduction for first 6 hours.
             There is no significant difference between mean HR,   Our study also showed significant reduction in cumu-
          SPO , temperature between the two groups at any point  lative postoperative analgesic requirement in group I than
          of time during our study. Mean systolic BP (Table 2) and  in group II in first and 24 hours, which is consistent with
          RR (Table 3) were lower in group I than in group II at all   study done by Golubovic et al, 14,15  who demonstrated that
          time intervals, but the difference is significant statistically   intraperitoneal administration of tramadol had valu-
          at 0 and 4 hours attributed to better pain control in early   able implication in reducing VAS score/pain in patients
          postoperative period.                               undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
             There was no significant difference in the incidence   Peripheral antinociceptive effect of opioids occurs
          of shoulder pain, nausea, vomiting sedation, itching,   due to interaction of opioids with opioid receptor located
          and shivering in the two groups (Graph 3). No patient   on peripheral intact perineurium that prevent entry of
          experienced muscle rigidity.                        hydrophilic opioid molecule, such as morphine while
                                                              lipophilic opioids, such as tramadol, buprenorphine can
                                                              diffuse across the intact perineural barrier, which results
                                                              in better analgesia on intraperitoneal administration.
          In our study we showed that intraperitoneal admin-  Secondly, as duration of action of parenterally admin-
          istration of tramadol resulted in much lower postop-  istered tramadol is 6 to 8 hours, so this explains low
          erative pain scores, cumulative postoperative analgesic  VAS scores and less need for rescue analgesic in early
          consumption without significant increase in incidence  postoperative period. 16
          of adverse effect or adverse hemodynamic changes in    Mean systolic BP and RR were lower in group I
          patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.   than in group II at all time intervals but the difference
             In our study, the mean VAS scores in group I were signif-  is significant statistically at 0 and 4 hours attributed to
          icantly low in first 4 hours postoperatively than in group II  better pain control in early postoperative period. As there

          due to the effect of Tramadol given intraperitoneally. The  was no differences in the incidence of adverse effect, so
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