Page 26 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 26

Fusi Mosai, Zach M Koto
          pus subgroup. The most frequent intraoperative finding  complication rate was 5% and majority were from the
          in this subgroup was pelvic collection.             four-quadrant subgroup and the commonest complica-
             The complications were divided into two major  tion was pelvic collections.
          categories namely intraoperative and postoperative     The most common cause of morbidity was pneumo-
          complications. Intraoperative complication rate was 0.5%  nia. Mortality was grouped according to the subgroups,
          and majority were from the four-quadrant pus subgroup  which indicated high mortality rate being among the
          and all were iatrogenic bowel injuries. Postoperative  four-quadrant pus subgroup and significant cause was
                                                              systemic sepsis.
                            Table 2: Results
                       Total % (n) Subgroup  Indications      DISCUSSION
           Successful LA  96% (552)                           The results of this study demonstrate positive outcome
           converted   4% (24)   u (5)     Poor visibility (4)  in using LA as the standard of care for both complicated
                                           Hypoxia (1)        and uncomplicated cases of acute appendicitis.
                                 am (0)                          The four-quadrant pus subgroup contributed a signifi-
                                 aa (3)    Poor visibility (3)  cant proportion to the conversion rate of 4%. This rate is,
                                 4qp (16)  Poor visibility (7)
                                           Hemodynamic        however, not higher than what is generally reported in the
                                           instability (7)    literature.  The main indication for conversion was noted
                                           Iatrogenic bowel   to be poor visibility due to bowel distension. Majority of
                                           injury (2)         this patients presents with abdominal distension which
           Relooks                         Findings           can be picked up on clinical examination in the preopera-
           Total       7% (43)   u (6)     Port-site bleed (1)
                                           Port-site hernia (1)  tive assessment. These suggest that careful preoperative
                                           Negative finding (4)  assessment could select this subgroup of patients and
                                 am (0)                       hence offer them an open surgery from the start.
                                 aa (8)    Pelvic collection (2)  The relook rate of 7% is slightly lower than reported
                                           Port-site sepsis (1)  in the literature.  Our main indication was intraabdomi-
                                           Negative finding (5)
                                 4qp (29)  Pelvic collection (22)  nal collection, documented on imaging or suspected on
                                           Subphrenic         clinical examination. In many cases this collection was
                                           collections (3)    deemed amenable to percutaneous drainage, but due to
                                           Port-site sepsis (2)  lack of intervention radiology services at our center, all
                                           Liver abscess (1)  these patients were taken back for a relook laparoscopy.
                                           SBO (1)            Intraoperative findings at relook were mainly serous
           Complications                   Nature
           Intraoperative  0.5% (3)  4qp (2)  IBI (2)         fluid instead of pus; this could possibly be the residual
                                 u (1)     Port-site bleedings  fluid from the peritoneal lavage at the index operation.
                       5% (29)   u (2)     Port-site hernia (1)  However, a separate study would be needed to estab-
           Postoperative                   Port-site bleed (1)  lish if peritoneal lavage contribute to intraabdominal
                                 aa (3)    Pelvic collection (2)  collections.
                                           Port-site sepsis (1)
                                 4qp (24)  Pelvic collection (22)  Intraoperative complicated rate of 0.5% where major-
                                           Port-site sepsis (2)  ity of cases were from the four-quadrant pus subgroup,
           Morbidity and                   Cause              all those patients had iatrogenic bowel injury. The main
           mortality                                          contributing factor was poor visibility due to bowel dis-
           Morbidity   2% (12)             Pneumonia (4)      tension. These complications can be avoided in the future
                                           Adhesive bowel
                                           obstruction (3)    by doing open surgery for patients with bowel distension.
                                           DVT (3)            However, the complication was not higher than what is
                                           ARDS (2)           reported in other studies. 16
                       1.7% (10)  u (2)    Port-site bleed (1)   Postoperative complication rate of 5% was mainly
                                           Hypoxia (1)        coming from the four-quadrant pus subgroup with major-
           Mortality             aa (1)    Pneumonia (1)      ity been pelvic collection. As discussed earlier, we do not
                                 4qp (7)   Systemic sepsis (4)
                                           ARDS (2)           have sufficient information to suggestive whether peri-
                                           Liver abscess (1)  toneal lavage was a contributing factor or not. Although
           LA: Laparoscopic appendectomy; U: Uncomplicated appendix;   Tate reported a postoperative intraabdominal collection
           aa: Appendicular abscess; am: Appendicular mass; 4qp:   of 1.4%, significantly lower than in our study, in the same
           four-quadrant pus; DVT: Deep vein thrombosis; ARDS: Acute
           respiratory distress syndrome; IBI: Iatrogenic bowel injury; SBO:   paper the subanalysis showed that the rate was as high
           Adhesive small bowel obstruction                   as 7.5% when the appendix was complicated. 17
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