Page 32 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Evelyn A Dorado et al 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1298
OriginaL articLe
Obesity-related Metabolic Comorbidities Remission
in Postbariatric Surgery Patients
1 Evelyn A Dorado, Maria V Lopez, Viviana O Martin
ABSTRACT How to cite this article: Dorado EA, Lopez MV, Martin VO.
Obesity-related Metabolic Comorbidities Remission in Post-
Introduction: Obesity-related diseases (ORD) are associ- bariatric Surgery Patients. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(1):30-34.
ated with a decrease in the quality of life and life expectancy
of patients. The remission of these pathologies after bariatric Source of support: Nil
surgery is not the same in all patients. Conflict of interest: None
Objectives: To evaluate the remission of the principal ORD in
patients who underwent bariatric surgery.
Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of patients INTRODUCTION
with morbid obesity and ORD (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Obesity is a pandemic that affects 1.7 billion people.
dyslipidemia or obstructive sleep apnea and hypoapnea syn- Obesity is closely related to metabolic disease, which is
drome) who received bariatric surgery between January 2014
and January 2016. Patients had two surgical options: Laparo- defined as the presence of hypertension, type II diabetes,
scopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) or laparoscopic Roux-en-Y and hyperlipidemia, increased risk of cardiovascular
gastric bypass (LRYGB). Follow-up was performed after 1, 6, disease, osteoarticular symptoms, and obstructive sleep
and 12 months per the first year after surgery, recording data, apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS); all these
such as percentage of excess weight lost (%EWL), percentage obesity-related diseases (ORD) result in a decrease in
of total body weight lost, and partial or total ORD remission.
patients’ life expectancy of up to 10 to 20 years. 1-4
Results: Out of a total of 23 patients, 52% (12) were females In Colombia in 2014, 51% of the population were
and the average age was 44 ± 13 years, 17 (74%) received
LSG and 6 (26%) LRYGB. The average initial body mass index overweight or morbidly obese and one out of every two
was 43 ± 4.3 kg/m², the %EWL at 1, 6, and 12 months was Colombians is now suffering as a consequence of this
35.4 ± 15.2, 62.5 ± 17.5, and 79.1 ± 20.2 respectively. Comor- excess body weight. In June 2015, 10% of the Colombian
bidities remission was found in 95.6% of patients (22), partial population had diabetes and obesity, and 25% of the
resolution in 32%, and complete in 68%. A total of 52.1% of population had hypertension. 5
remissions were reported in the first month postsurgery. Research has shown that a decrease in body weight of
Conclusion: Bariatric surgery has proved to be the most 10 kg can lead to improvements in the effects of comorbid
effective method for reducing and sustaining weight loss in the conditions associated with obesity. It is for this reason
long-term and comorbidities remission. A decrease of 50% of
EWL has a positive impact in terms of discontinuing medications that bariatric surgery has proved to be an effective
and normalizing the patient’s biochemical profile. treatment with long-term results in terms of improving
Keywords: Bariatric surgery, Gastric bypass, Laparoscopic and resolving the problems associated with comorbid
Roux-en-Y, Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, Obesity, Obesity- conditions in individuals with obesity. This surgery
related disease, Remission. positively impacts on life expectancy. A decrease of 10%
of a patient’s excess weight, therefore, has an impact on
the quality of life of the patient. 6
1 Chief, Surgeon and Assistant Professor, Reader, Lecturer In a cohort study, bariatric surgery decreased excess
1 Department of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Bariatric weight by 67.1%, with a significant reduction in the rela-
Surgery, Fundación Valle del Lili; ICESI University; Department tive risk of cardiovascular disease, in the risk of endo-
of Laparoscopic Surgery, CES University, Fundación Valle del crine, respiratory, and infectious problems, and in cancer
Lili, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Republic of Colombia
related to obesity and psychiatric care. Additionally,
2 Department of Clinical Research, Universidad Icesi, Cali, Valle bariatric surgery reduced the risk of mortality by 89%
del Cauca, Republic of Colombia and produced a 71.6% improvement in quality of life. 6
3 Department of Clinical Research, Fundación Clínica Valle It is also well known that ORD has negative eco-
del Lilí, ICESI Universidad, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Republic of nomic impacts within the health system. From 2 to 8%
Colombia of insurance costs are due to the management of ORD.
Corresponding Author: Viviana O Martin, Lecturer, Department There is also a huge annual cost in terms of medications
of Clinical Research, Fundación Clínica Valle del Lilí, ICESI prescribed for controlling the effects of ORD. 7
Universidad, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Republic of Colombia, Phone: It has been demonstrated, in numerous articles, that
+573127933755, e-mail:
both the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and