Page 35 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                                            Obesity-related Metabolic Comorbidities Remission in Postbariatric Surgery Patients
          procedures proved equally effective in the resolution of  of the surgery defines a patient’s total or partial remis-
          comorbidities and the weight loss. 13               sion. 22-24  A Swedish study showed more benefits with the
             This change, both in weight and comorbidities,  bypass, although it is worth mentioning that this study
          directly impacts mortality, with a decrease between 29  did not include the gastric sleeve. 13
          and 40% and with improvements in terms of life expec-  Bariatric surgery has proved to be the most effective
          tancy.  We know that obesity accounts for between 2  treatment in management of metabolic syndrome.  A
          and 7% of the overall health costs of a country, which can  decrease of more than 50% of the patient’s excess weight
          translate, in the USA, into 100 billions of dollars each year.  has a significant impact on the resolution of this pathol-
          Bariatric surgery is a cost-effective method to decrease  ogy and the type of surgery undertaken does not affect
          the costs related to the management of obesity. 15,16  this result; in our cohort, there was a loss of 30% of the
             A factor that affects patient outcome is the different  patient’s excess weight in the 1st month, leading to a
          processes of authorization of the insurers. Flanagan   significant improvement of their metabolic syndrome.
          et al  performed a study comparing the mortality of  During the year of the patients’ follow-up, a resolu-
          patients whose insurers, after being approved by the  tion of their metabolic symptoms was found in 92% of

          multidisciplinary group, either approved or denied   patients. 21,22  The inability of patients to attend their
          the procedure. The study showed that the mortality of the  follow-up appointments was one of the difficulties of this
          control group was 6% compared with the study group,  study; monitoring and follow-up of patients for 1 year or
          favoring bariatric surgery for the resolution of the patients’  more is hampered by insurers.
          comorbidities and increasing their life expectancy.    In terms of pharmacoeconomics, this indicates that
             This same analysis was done in Europe; in France,  there is a decrease of up to 82% of the costs associated
          there was a decline of 5% in terms of the overall cost  with the management and treatment of comorbidities
          for the patients operated on during the first 2 years of  secondary to obesity, in relation to the overall cost of the
          postbariatric surgery, which has a positive impact on the  surgery; this is small with regards to the social impact
          reduction of their medical expenses and the number of  this brings to the patient. 16
          medical visits. 18
             As to whether there were any differences in the meta-  CONCLUSION
          bolic impact and the type of surgery for weight reduction,   Bariatric surgery is an excellent tool for the management
          Zhang et al  showed that both have a positive impact   of metabolic disease, as our study showed a resolution
          on weight reduction and improving the patient’s comor-  of up to 92% and a weight decrease of more than 70%,
          bidities. The results obtained for the two different types   which is consistent with previously published studies.
          of surgeries were not very different from one another,   The impact of these results on the patient is translated
          although it is known that the sleeve type of surgery is   into an improvement in the quality of their daily lives
          considered a better option for the management of diabe-  (such as their working conditions). It also produces
          tes; it has been shown that there are particular benefits in   a positive impact in terms of reduction in the use of
          terms of the resolution of type II diabetes with this type   health services, both medication usage and medical
          of surgery.  This type of surgery has also been shown   visits. This translates to savings of millions of pesos in
          to produce improvement in the patients’ total choles-  health care costs. It is very important to bear in mind
          terol and their LDL, although the sleeve type of surgery   that a change of habits, in patients, is fundamental in
          improves the patients’ triglycerides and increases their   order to achieve these results and to keep their weight
          levels of HDL. 19,20                                down in the long-term.
             Hepatic steatosis is a disease frequently found in
          patients with morbid obesity and is one of the main causes   REFERENCES
          of chronic liver disease, such as steatohepatitis, chronic
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          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2017;10(1):30-34                             33
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