Page 24 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          Fusi Mosai, Zach M Koto                                               10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1296
          OriginaL articLe

          Laparoscopic Appendectomy as a Standard of Care for

          Both Complicated and Uncomplicated Appendicitis in
          South Africa, Is It Safe? Single Center Experience

          1 Fusi Mosai,  Zach M Koto

          ABSTRACT                                            Source of support: Nil
          Aim: The aim of this descriptive analytical study was to describe   Conflict of interest: None
          the outcomes of using laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) as the
          standard of care for both complicated and uncomplicated cases
          of acute appendicitis in South Africa.              INTRODUCTION
          Background: Laparoscopic appendectomy has been widely   Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA), initially described by
          accepted as safe when performed in uncomplicated cases of  Semm in 1983, has increasingly gained favor in the past
          acute appendicitis. However, acceptance of this procedure as the   decade in management of selected cases of acute appen-
          standard of care has been surrounded by controversies, with the   1
          main concern been around the safety of this procedure in com-  dicitis.  The benefits of LA as a minimal access surgery
          plicated cases of appendicitis. Currently, there is no consensus  include less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stay,
          in published literature regarding the use of LA as the standard  early return to work, and better cosmesis.  These bene-
          of care in both complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis.  fits have made this approach attractive. However, despite
          Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients  all these benefits, LA has not been wildly accepted as a
          who were diagnosed with acute appendicitis at Dr George   standard of care for management of all cases.  This is
          Mukhari Academic Hospital over a 3-year period was reviewed.
          Data were retrieved from our departmental database and ana-  due to dispute regarding its advantage compared with
          lyzed using descriptive statistics.                 open surgery. 1,6-9
                                                                 The controversies around high procedure-related
          Results: A total of 746 patients were reviewed and 576 were
          included in the study. All these patients were offered LA. The   complication rate and conversion rate associated with
          mean age was 26.37, with 66% of our patients been males.  LA when used in complicated cases of appendicitis have
          Complicated cases formed 38% of our total study population.   led to some authors questioning the safety of this pro-
          Laparoscopic appendectomy was performed in both compli-                                10-12
          cated and uncomplicated cases of appendicitis with a success   cedure, especially in complicated cases.   Most acute
          rate of 96%. Intraoperative complication rate and the relook rate   appendicitis cases present after hours are often managed
          was 0.5 and 7% respectively, with an overall mortality of 1.7%.  by residents. This has also been quoted in the literature
          Conclusion: The positive outcome found in this study when   as a potentially contributing factor to high complication
          LA was used in both complicated and uncomplicated cases of  rate due to lack of skill.  Currently, there is no general
          acute appendicitis suggests that this approach is possible in   consensus regarding the safety and feasibility of using
          carefully selected patients and with appropriate basic laparo-
          scopic skills.                                      LA in complicated cases of appendicitis.
                                                                 Contrary to what has been practiced and reported in
          Clinical significance: Complicated appendicitis is not a con-  the literature, LA was introduced as the standard of care
          traindication to laparoscopy.
                                                              at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital (DGMAH) for
          Keywords: Appendicitis, Complicated appendicitis, Laparo-  both complicated and uncomplicated cases of appendici-
          scopic appendectomy, Uncomplicated appendicitis.
                                                              tis in 2011. Most of the cases at this facility present after
          How to cite this article: Mosai F, Koto ZM. Laparoscopic   hours and are managed by residents on site. The DGMAH
          Appendectomy as a Standard of Care for Both Complicated
          and Uncomplicated Appendicitis in South Africa, Is It Safe?   is a tertiary teaching hospital with a bed capacity of 1,500,
          Single Center Experience. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(1):22-25.  situated in Gauteng province. The hospital takes referrals
                                                              from at least three provinces namely Gauteng, Northwest,
                                                              and Limpopo provinces.
           1 Junior Consultant,  Head, Professor and Chairman    A departmental database was used to store all the
           1,2 Department of General Surgery, Sefako Makgatho Health   information of patients managed with LA and it is
           Sciences University, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa  updated and checked for accuracy during our weekly
           Corresponding Author: Fusi Mosai, Junior Consultant   morbidity and mortality meetings.
           Department of General Surgery, Sefako Makgatho Health   All patients who presented with a preoperative assess-
           Sciences University, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa    ment of acute appendicitis, in all age groups were offered
           Phone: +0125214150, e-mail:
                                                              LA, hence, were considered for the study.
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