Page 22 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Mohammed Hamdy Abdelhady, Asaad F Salama
               Table 1: Demographic data, clinical characteristics,     Table 3: Postoperative complications
                        and associated comorbidities
                                                                            Overall   Group I   Group II
                       Overall   Group I   Group II                         (n = 60)  (n = 30)  (n = 30)  p-value
                       (n = 60)  (n = 30)  (n = 30)  p-value  Biliary leak  0         0        0
           Age “years”                                        Wound infection  2 (3.3%)  1 (3.3%)  1 (3.3%)  1
           Range       [19:79]   [23:58]   [19:79]   0.81
           Mean ± SD   39 ± 11.6  39.5 ± 10.6  38.8 ± 12.7
           Sex no. of patients (%)                                            Table 4: Hospital stay
           Female (%)  46 (76.7%)  24 (80%)  22 (73.3%) 0.54
           Male (%)    14 (23.3%)  6 (20%)  8 (26.7%)                        Overall   Group I   Group II
           D.M.        17 (28.3%)  9 (30%)  8 (26.7%)  0.77                  (n = 60)  (n = 30)  (n = 30)  p-value
           Hypertension  13 (21.7%)  6 (20%)  7 (23.3%)  0.75  1 day         48 (80%)  21 (70%)  27 (90%)  0.13
           Ischemic    4 (6.7%)  2 (6.7%)  2 (6.7%)  1        2 days         11 (18.3%) 8 (26.7%)  3 (10%)
           heart disease                                      More than 2 days 1 (1.7%)  1 (3.3%)  0
                                                              Mean ± SD      1.21 ± 0.45 1.33 ± 0.54 1.1 ± 0.30  0.046*

                          Table 2: Operative data
                                                              dissection of the gallbladder, but only a few authors 3-5,7,9,10
                             Group I     Group II   p-value
           Operative time                                     have examined its efficacy in the closure of the cystic artery
           Range             [38:115]    [28:98]    0.032*    and duct. In 1999, the use of ultrasonically activated shears
           Mean              58.6 ± 19   48.4 ± 16.9          for both dissection and closure-division of the cystic duct
           Operative time without gallbladder perforation     and artery was first reported. 8
           Range             [38:90]     [28:85]    0.024*
           Mean              55.5 ± 14.1  46.6 ± 14.3            In our study, the use of the harmonic shear was
           Operative time with gallbladder perforation        associated with lower incidence of gallbladder perfora-
           Range             [45:115]    98         0.85      tion, compared with traditional method. Operative time
           Mean              86.6 ± 36.8  98                  was prolonged in operations complicated by gallbladder
           Gallbladder perforation 3 (10%)  1 (3.3%)  0.31
                                                              perforation in both groups as stone spillage and bile
                                                              loss leads to obstruction of laparoscopic visual field and
             The procedure was completed laparoscopically in  frequent exchange in instruments.
          both groups. The mean operative time in group I was sig-  Operative time was shorter in group II than group I.
          nificantly longer than group II with mean (58.6 vs 48.4 min)   This has many potential advantages, including reducing
          (p = 0.032). The incidence of gallbladder perforation is  the overall anesthetic time and increasing the number of
          higher in group I than group II (20 vs 6.66%), (p = 0.31).  cases that can be done on an average operative list. Similar
          Gallbladder perforation has been found to lengthen  finding was reported by Khan et al  and Gelmini et al. 10
          the operative time in both studied groups (p = 0.85)   In our study, neither minor nor major bile leaks were
          (Table 2).                                          encountered in either groups, and this could be explained
             Neither minor nor major bile leaks were encountered  partially by small number of patients in each group,
          in either group. Similarly, no bile-duct injuries were  although similar findings were reported by Tebala  and
          encountered in the present study. Wound infection was   Bessa et al. 5
          same in groups I and II (3.3%) of no statistical significance   In the present study, as well as in the Westervelt,
          (Table 3).                                          Tebala,  and Khan et al  studies, the harmonic shears were
             Early discharge on “day 1” occurred in 27 patients   applied to only one site on the cystic duct where sealing and
          in group II (90%) vs 21 in group I (70%), postoperative   division were achieved with no bile leaks from the cystic
          discharge on day 2 was higher in group I than in group II     duct stump encountered in any of the three studies. It is our
          [8 (26.7%) vs 3 (10%)], delayed discharge of more than   belief that a double application of the harmonic shears to the
          2 days was only for one patient in group I [1 (3.3%)     cystic duct is unnecessary and may be an unsafe practice.
          (p-value = 0.13)]. The mean hospital stay in group II   The greater cost of the harmonic scalpel, when com-
          (1.1 ± 0.30) is less than that in group I (1.33 ± 0.54) with   pared with the cost of an electrocautery probe, has been
          statistical significance (p-value = 0.046) (Table 4).  regarded as a potential disadvantage. Although this
             Three months after the procedure, all patients were   difference is significant at the present time, however, we
          doing well with uneventful follow-up.               feel that LC, using the harmonic scalpel, is cost-effective
                                                              when considering that we use fewer overall instruments
                                                              and are able to carry out more procedures on an average
                                                              list as a result of the shorter operative time.
          Several studies have confirmed the effectiveness and   The overall hospital stay in group II is less than
          safety of the use of the ultrasonically activated scalpel for  group I, similar to the Janssen et al  study which reported
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