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                     Management of Acute Appendicitis and Left Paraovarian Cyst in a Case of Situs Inversus Totalis by Laparoscopy

            A                                                B
             Figs 5A and B: Transposed abdominal organs with spleen in the right hypochondrium: (A) Liver along the left hypochondrium;
                                              and (B) during diagnostic laparoscopy

          of single autosomal recessive gene located on the long  appendix even if appearing normal may eliminate any
          arm of chromosome 14.  Acute abdomen in SI is a major  possibility of misdiagnosis in future. It will also exclude
          clinical challenge for surgeons for diagnosing and treat-  the risk of complications that come with delayed diag-
          ing the pathology. In fact, this is the reason why in 40%  nosis, such as appendiceal rupture, which can be fatal in
          of cases, the incision for surgical pathology is planned  young female patients. 12
          inappropriately. 7,8                                   There is no standard port position for laparoscopic
             The differential diagnosis of left lower quadrant pain in  appendectomy in SIT patients, and it is placed accord-
          SIT patients includes diverticulitis, epididymitis, incarcer-  ing to basic principles of laparoscopy and ergonomics. 13
          ated or strangulated hernia, bowel obstruction, regional
          enteritis, psoas abscess, mesenteric ischemia, right- and   CONCLUSION
          left-sided acute appendicitis (LSAA), pelvic inflammatory   With the case report, the authors wish to suggest that in
          disease, endometriosis (in females), and others. 9,10  patients of SI with acute abdomen, the laparoscopy is an
             The diagnosis of acute appendicitis in patients with SIT   important tool in surgeons’ hand in diagnosing as well
          can be based on clinical examination, blood investigations,   as in doing definitive management of patient. Even in the
          X-rays, USG, electrocardiogram, barium studies, CT scan,   circumstances of normal looking appendix, it is better
          and diagnostic laparoscopy. However, in SIT with multiple   to do appendectomy to avoid future misdiagnosis and
          pathologies, cause of symptoms is difficult to correlate and   decrease morbidity associated with the same.
          in these circumstances, the laparoscopy offers a big role in
          diagnosis as well as definite treatment of pathology. Even  REFERENCES
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