Page 28 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 28

Garima Gupta et al


                  B                                            C
                Figs 1A to C: Hysteroscopic appearance of endometrial osseous metaplasia showing multiple coral like white plaques

             Histopathological examination revealed the following:  therapeutic or spontaneous, and have normal menstrual
          •  Stroma with interspersed fragmented endometrial  cycle in the postabortive period. The interval between
             glands (secretory phase)                         the antecedent pregnancy and detection of endometrial
          •  Cells with vacuolations along with spicules of lamellar  ossification varies from 8 weeks to 14 years. 6
             bone                                                Pathogenic mechanisms related to the histogenesis of
          •  No inflammatory cell infiltrates                 heterotopic bone into the endometrium are controversial.
          •  No granulomas                                    As early as 1884, Virchow attributed the formation of bone
          •  No chorionic villi or fetal remnants             in the endometrium to spontaneous differentiation of
             A histological diagnosis of osseous metaplasia of  fibroblasts into osteoblasts.  Various theories have been
          endometrium was made. She made an uneventful  described in the pathogenesis of endometrial osseous
          recovery (Fig. 2).                                  metaplasia.
                                                                 The most common theories proposed are heterotopia,
          DISCUSSION                                          dystrophic calcifications, ossification of postabortive

          Osseous metaplasia of the endometrium is a rare clini-  endometritis, metastatic calcification, metaplasia in
          cal entity characterized by the presence of mature or  healing tissue, prolonged estrogenic therapy after abor-
          immature bone in the endometrium. It is described as an  tion, and retained fetal bone.
          endogenous nonneoplastic pathological condition as no   Genital tuberculosis, unspecific chronic endometritis,
          tissue reaction is found in the endometrial tissue studied  or pyometra are other sources of chronic inflammation
          and the endometrium showed normal regular cyclical  occurring from retained embryonic tissue after first trimes-
          changes. Its estimated incidence is 3/10,000,  there being  ter abortion. This inflammation acts as a promoter of sec-
          about 80 cases described in the literature. 3       ondary osteogenesis from nonosseous embryonic tissue. 8
             It has been referred to by various names like ectopic   In India, endometrial tuberculosis should be ruled
          intrauterine bone, heterotopic intrauterine bone, endo-  out as it can cause infertility as well as calcification and
          metrial ossification, etc. 1                        subsequent ossification. 1
             Majority of the patients belong to the reproductive   Chronic endometritis stimulates the proliferation
          age group with history of first trimester abortion, either  of mesenchymal cells that have inherent property of
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