Page 36 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Hana Alhomoud, Mohamed Abdelmohsen
                                                              than that of common open cholecystectomy, illustrating
                                                              that XGC creates difficulty in operation.
                                                                 Although XGC is a benign change of the GB with a low
                                                              mortality rate,  patients with XGC usually have a longer
                                                              hospital stay than those with cholecystitis who undergo
                                                              cholecystectomy and more postoperative complications,
                                                              including leakage of bile, bile peritonitis, GB bleeding,
                                                              hepatic abscess, infection of the incisional wound, and
                                                              cholangitis stenosis. This is largely related to difficulty in
                                                              stripping the GB, the mode of operation, and the physical
                                                              condition of the patient. 7
                                                                 In spite of difficulty in surgical treatment of XGC,
                                                              the operation can be carried out successfully as long as
            Fig. 2: High-power microscopic picture. Collections of foamy   clinicians have a sound knowledge of the anatomical
                     histiocytes mixed with lymphocytes
                                                              structures of the GB, make an accurate intraoperative
                                                              diagnosis, and choose the proper mode of operation.
          it occurs mostly in middle-aged and old persons.  The
          low incidence of XGC sometimes leads to misdiagnosis  CONCLUSION
          by clinicians.                                      Differentiating XGC from GB cancer is a diagnostic
             No symptoms and signs are specific for XGC; they are   dilemma. Making this distinction preoperatively or
          similar to those of acute or chronic cholecystitis.  In this   intraoperatively is difficult. The presence of firm adhe-
          case report, the patient had the symptoms in the right hypo-  sions of the GB to neighboring organs and tissues,
          chondrial region and suffered from radiating pain in the   thickened GB wall together with gallstones in a patient
          shoulder and back, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Yet, some   with chronic disease is highly suggestive of XGC. A
          features on US  and CT  were highly suggestive of XGC,   definitive diagnosis still necessitates a histopathological
          including thickening of the GB wall, GB stone shadow, and   examination.
          adhesion to neighboring tissues and organs. Despite all
          these distinctions, it is difficult to differentiate XGC from   REFERENCES
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