Page 38 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          Hana Alhomoud, Mohamed Mohsen                                         10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1310
          CASE REPORT

          Gastric Fistula as a Complication of Splenectomy:

          Case Report and Literature Review

          1 Hana Alhomoud,  Mohamed Abdelmohsen

          ABSTRACT                                            ference with the vascular supply to the greater curvature
          Gastric fistula following splenectomy is a rare but serious occur-  may be a factor in fistula formation.
          rence, which may result in morbidity or death. Several factors,   The objective of this study was to report a case of
          acting singly or in combination, may predispose to the develop-  gastric perforation after splenectomy due to trauma that
          ment of postsplenectomy gastric fistula and perforation. These   evolved with necrosis and gastric perforation, which was
          include direct surgical trauma to the gastric wall, generalized
          arteriosclerotic disease, hematoma in the gastrosplenic bed,   successfully dealt with.
          and reflection of gastric muscle fibers into the gastrosplenic
          ligament. The usual site of rupture of the stomach is along   CASE REPORT
          the greater curvature in the fundic portion. In circumstances
          in which splenectomy is associated with known or suspected   A 37-year-old male was admitted to the emergency unit
          compromise of the blood supply to this portion of the stomach,   after fall from height. Physical examination revealed
          a method of enfolding the greater curvature is done to prevent  tachypnea, heart rate of 100/minute, and arterial pres-
          the development of a gastric perforation or fistula formation.  sure of 100/50 mm Hg. He had severe pain in pelvic due
          The objective of this study was to report a case of a patient   to pelvic fracture. Computed tomography (CT) chest,
          who had splenectomy because of closed abdominal trauma.
          3 weeks postsurgery, the patient presented with hemateme-  abdomen, and pelvis showed grade I splenic injury (in
          sis, and the results of investigations showed gastric fistula.   accordance with the organ lesion scale of the American
          During  the  second operation,  perforation  was  identified  at  Association of Trauma Surgery).
          gastroesophageal junction resulting from a huge hematoma   Patient was shifted to operating theater where pelvic
          at postsplenectomy bed. The lesion was sutured after revival   fixation was done. Postsurgery, patient developed massive
          of its borders, and the patient had good recovery.
             Awareness of the possibility of this uncommon but serious   deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and kept on anticoagu-
          complication will aid in its early recognition and treatment.  lant. Five days postsurgery, hemoglobin dropped and
                                                              blood pressure too dropped, so resuscitation was done.
          Keywords: Gastric fistula, Splenectomy, Stomach rupture.
                                                              Urgent abdominal CT showed presence of free abdominal
          How to cite this article: Alhomoud H, Abdelmohsen M. Gastric   fluid with splenic tear.
          Fistula as a Complication of Splenectomy: Case Report and   Laparotomy showed the presence of 500 mL of hem-
          Literature Review. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(2):80-81.
                                                              orrhagic fluid free in peritoneal cavity and a splenic
          Source of support: Nil                              tear involving the hilum. In the course of splenectomy,
          Conflict of interest: None                          the short vessels were carefully individualized and sec-
                                                              tioned. The body and fundic regions of the stomach were
                                                              inspected without any inadvertent ligatures of the gastric
                                                              wall being detected. A drain was fixed at left subphrenic
          Delayed perforation of the stomach following splenec-  space exteriorized through an opening on the left flank.
          tomy is uncommon. Reports of this complication have  At the end of the intracavity surgical procedure, the col-
          appeared sporadically. The perforation is usually situated  oration of the stomach was normal.
          high on the greater curvature of the stomach where short   Bowel sounds returned on the second operative day,
          gastric vessels in the gastrosplenic omentum have been  and oral feeding was started. The drain was removed
          transected, and the cause has been assumed to be direct  after 5 days. Patient was kept on anticoagulants due
          injury to the gastric wall. However, it appears that inter-  to massive DVT. Ten days post-op patient developed
                                                              postsplenectomy hematoma at splenic bed in relation to
                                                              stomach fundus and that was treated conservatively by
           1 Consultant,  Registrar                           adjusting the anticoagulant dose.
           1,2 Department of Surgery, Al-Sabah Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait   Three weeks postsurgery, the patient developed
           Kingdom of Saudi Arabia                            hematemesis. Upper endoscopy was done which showed
           Corresponding Author: Hana Alhomoud, Consultant, Department   perforated necrotic ulcer with bleeding at fundus stomach
           of Surgery, Al-Sabah Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait, Kingdom of   around 2 cm from gastroesophageal junction.
           Saudi Arabia, Phone: +966551440610, e-mail: hana_alhomoud@  Patient was submitted to a new surgical intervention.
                                                              Laparotomy showed a huge well-developed organized
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