Page 32 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 32

Samir S Deolekar et al
                                                              inflamed turgid appendix with a normal base (Fig. 3).
                                                              There was also a paraovarian cyst present along the left
                                                              ovary with minimal free fluid collection in the pouch of
                                                              Douglas (Fig. 4). Transposition of the various abdomi-
                                                              nal organs was also confirmed (Fig. 5). A laparoscopic
                                                              appendectomy with enucleation of paraovarian cyst
                                                              was done. An inflamed appendix with inflammatory
                                                              infiltrates was confirmed in the histopathology report.
                                                              Postoperative recovery was uneventful with patient
                                                              discharged on full diet on 4th postoperative day without
                                                              any complications.


                                                              Matthew Baillie  first demonstrated the complete mirror
               Fig. 1: Computed tomography scan with a left-sided
                            inflamed appendix                 image, reversal of thoracic and abdominal organs in SI
                                                              in the 18th century. It is a rare congenital anomaly where
          in right iliac fossa on the midclavicular line and the third   abdominal organs are placed as a mirror image of each
          5 mm trocar with the working port was placed in the   other. In SIT, both abdominal and thoracic organs are
          suprapubic region. The operative findings showed an   transposed. The SI results due to incomplete penetration

            A                                                 B
                        Figs 2A and B: Computed tomography scan with transposition of the visceral abdominal organs:
                                             (A) A dextrocardia and (B) confirming SIT

               Fig. 3: Diagnostic laparoscopy showing an inflamed    Fig. 4: Left-sided paraovarian cyst during diagnostic
                    left-sided appendix with a normal base                        laparoscopy
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