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                                                                  Osseous Metaplasia of Endometrium: A Very Rare Entity

                             A                                B

           Figs 2A to C: Histopathological appearance of endometrial osseous metaplasia showing secretory phase stroma with interspersed
                                  endometrial glands and vacuolated cells with spicules of lamellar bone

          metaplasia and can differentiate into chondroblasts or  patients can also present with menstrual irregularities,
          osteoblasts. 1                                      pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and vaginal discharge. Osseous
             Adamson linked endometrial ossification to hyper-  metaplasia causes subfertility and menstrual irregulari-
          vitaminosis in one of his two patients reported to have  ties by changing the milieu of uterine cavity through the
          ossification after therapeutic abortions. 2         increased production of prostaglandins. Marcus et al
             It is also probable that the concept of a superoxide  proposed increased prostaglandin production as a cause
          radical superoxide dismutase system, which plays an  of subfertility in the presence of bony fragments.
          important role in endometrial differentiation, may be   Ultrasound examination plays a primary role in the
          functional in osseous metaplasia. Chronic postabortal  diagnosis of patients with osseous metaplasia.  The char-
          inflammation due to retained gestational tissues may   acteristic hyperechogenic pattern is strongly suggestive of
          promote superoxide radical or tumor necrosis factor   osseous tissue within the uterus and should be confirmed
          release from thermonuclear phagocytes. Endometrium   by hysteroscopic examination. The gold standard for its
          deficient in protective superoxide dismutase activity may   diagnosis and treatment is hysteroscopy.  Hysteroscopy
          perhaps present a long-lasting insult to the multipotential   is an effective means of extracting the heterotopic tissue
          stromal cells, and this insult may therefore transform   from the uterus and reestablishing fertility, even after a
          these cells into osteoblasts. 9                     long period of infertility.
             Roth and Taylor  demonstrated the presence of acid   Complete removal of the bony spicules from the
          mucopolysaccharides, thereby supporting the capability   endometrial cavity by hysteroscopy regains fertility and
          of mature endometrial stromal cells to undergo cartilagi-  cures menstrual symptoms.
          nous metaplasia in response to chronic inflammation or
          trauma.                                             CONCLUSION
             Use of estrogen is controversial as it can promote  Endometrial ossification is a rare entity, which can be
          osteogenesis and can be one of the causes of endometrial  misdiagnosed and requires higher degree of suspicion
          ossification.                                       to diagnose the condition properly. Sonography plays
             The most common presentation of osseous metapla-  an important role in detecting this condition. Osseous
          sia of endometrium is usually secondary infertility. The  metaplasia can be deeply embedded in the uterine
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):69-72                                71
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