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                     Management of Acute Appendicitis and Left Paraovarian Cyst in a Case of Situs Inversus Totalis by Laparoscopy
          CASE REPORT

          Management of Acute Appendicitis and Left Paraovarian

          Cyst in a Case of Situs Inversus Totalis by Laparoscopy

          1 Samir S Deolekar,  Dnyaneshwar Mohare,  Anuj Sharma
          ABSTRACT                                            abdominal organs are transposed. The incidence of SIT
          Introduction: Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is an entity in which   is approximately 1/1,400 to 1/35,000 in the general popu-
          there is transposition of both the abdominal and thoracic  lation. Acute abdomen in SIT possesses a big diagnostic
          organs. Presentation of acute abdomen in a case of SIT poses  dilemma as though the viscus is transposed, but their
          a challenge to the treating surgeon. We present a rare case   nervous innervation may follow the normal original
          report in which we identify the role of laparoscopy in confirming
          acute appendicitis with a simultaneous left paraovarian hemor-  distribution as in 50% of the individuals. The incidence
          rhagic cyst as a cause of left iliac fossa pain.    of acute appendicitis associated with SIT is reported to
                                                              be between 0.016 and 0.024%.  Laparoscopy is a valuable
          Case report: A 17-year-old female presented with pain in the
          left lower abdominal quadrant. Ultrasonography and computed   tool in surgeon’s hand in case of SIT with acute abdomen,
          tomography confirmed a left-sided inflamed appendix and a  which provides confirmatory and definitive surgery of
          left paraovarian hemorrhagic cyst along with transposition of   involved pathology. 4
          other organs. A diagnostic laparoscopy was done to confirm the   To the best of our knowledge, there are no reported
          diagnosis with subsequent appendectomy and cyst enucleation
          as a definitive treatment for left iliac fossa pain.  cases of acute abdomen due to acute appendicitis associ-
                                                              ated with left paraovarian hemorrhagic cyst in patients
          Discussion: Management of acute abdomen in a case of SIT
          can be challenging, keeping in mind the transposed organs and   with SIT.
          also that the nervous supply may still be normal in up to 50%
          of the cases. The role of diagnostic laparoscopy is pertinent in  CASE REPORT
          arriving at diagnosing and treatment of the underlying pathology
          or pathologies as in our case.                      A 17-year-old female presented in the casualty ward
                                                              with complaints of left lower quadrant nonradiating
          Keywords: Abdominal pain, Appendicitis, Paraovarian cyst,
          Situs inversus totalis.                             pain for 1 day. The patient had history of nausea, but
                                                              no fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. There was no history of
          How to cite this article: Deolekar SS, Mohare D, Sharma A.
          Management of Acute Appendicitis and Left Paraovarian Cyst   associated abdominal or any previous similar attack of
          in a Case of Situs Inversus Totalis by Laparoscopy. World     pain in abdomen. The patient had a normal menstrual
          J Lap Surg 2017;10(2):73-76.                        history with no comorbid conditions like tuberculosis,
          Source of support: Nil                              diabetes, etc. She was hemodynamically stable and on
                                                              physical examination revealed tenderness in the left
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              iliac fossa with localized guarding. Laboratory investi-
                                                              gations revealed a raised total leukocyte count of 13,500
          INTRODUCTION                                        cells/mL, with a differential neutrophil count of 85% of
          Situs inversus (SI) is a rare congenital developmental   the total cells. The liver function tests and renal func-
          anomaly occurring with an incidence of 1:5,000 to   tion tests were within the normal limits. A plain chest
          1:10,000 live births in which abdominal organs are   radiograph showed the presence of dextrocardia with a
          placed as mirror image of each other.  There is no racial   gastric bubble on the right side. Ultrasonography (USG)
          predilection, and sex incidence is 1:1. Situs inversus   revealed a tubular, aperistaltic structure in the left iliac
          totalis (SIT) is a condition in which both thoracic and   fossa with a diameter of 9 mm along with a paraovarian
                                                              cyst of size 8 × 12 mm and transposition of the abdomi-
                                                              nal organs. The abdominal computed tomography (CT)
           1 Associate Professor,  Assistant Professor,  Registrar  revealed the presence of a contrast-enhanced appendix
                                                              with the maximum diameter of 9.5 mm and adjacent fat
           1-3 Department of General Surgery, King Edward Memorial
           Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College   stranding along with a left paraovarian cyst of diameter
           Mumbai, Maharashtra, India                         9 × 12 mm (Fig. 1) in size with transposed intraabdominal
           Corresponding Author: Anuj Sharma, Registrar, Department   organs (Fig. 2). A diagnostic laparoscopy was planned in
           of General Surgery, King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth   view of localized guarding and raised white blood cell
           Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra   count. A 10 mm umbilical port was placed with open
           India, Phone: +917303907379, e-mail:
                                                              technique. The second 10 mm working port was placed
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):73-76                                73
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