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                                                                  Osseous Metaplasia of Endometrium: A Very Rare Entity
          CaSe RepORt

          Osseous Metaplasia of Endometrium: A Very Rare Entity

          1 Garima Gupta,  Divya Mahindru,  Aparajita D’Souza,  Sunita Goyal
          ABSTRACT                                               It appears in women of reproductive age, though it has
          Introduction: Osseous metaplasia of endometrium is a rare   been reported in menopausal women as well. A history
          disorder characterized by the presence of mature or immature  of previous pregnancy is reported in more than 80%
          bone in the endometrium. The rarity of the case and high prob-  of the cases.  A history of abortion, either spontaneous
          ability of missing out, which may lead to delay in appropriate   or therapeutic, is the hallmark of this condition.  It can
          treatment, makes this case of interest.
                                                              also be related to transformation of mesenchymal tissue
          Case report: A 37-year-old lady, married for 10 years P2L2   to bone in response to inflammation and the reparative
          with previous two lower-segment cesarean section, presented   process induced by abortion.
          to the gynecology outpatient department with complaints
          of secondary infertility for past 7 years, irregular menstrual   Most cases present with secondary infertility follow-
          cycles, dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia. Her general exami-  ing an abortion or chronic endometritis. Some patients are
          nation and bimanual exploration were normal. On ultrasonog-  asymptomatic, while others have menstrual irregulari-
          raphy, an echogenic foci was seen casting posterior acoustic   ties or menorrhagia. Ultrasound examination showing
          shadow.  On  diagnostic  laparohysteroscopy,  multiple  small
          coral-like white plaques–bony spicules were seen. They   characteristic hyperechogenic pattern of osseous tissue
          were removed using hysteroscopic forceps and submitted for  within the uterus helps suspect the diagnosis. The final
          histopathological study. A histological diagnosis of osseous  diagnosis is confirmed by hysteroscopy and removal of
          metaplasia of endometrium was made. She is on follow-up   the bony tissue by curettage. Complete removal of the
          for infertility treatment.
                                                              bony spicules from the endometrial cavity by hysteros-
          Conclusion: Endometrial ossification is a rare finding, which  copy usually cures the patient.
          can be misdiagnosed and requires higher degree of suspicion
          to diagnose the condition properly. Hysteroscopy has been
          shown to be effective in the diagnosis and treatment of cases   CASE REpORT
          of osseous metaplasia of the endometrium associated with   A 37-year-old lady married for 10 years P2L2 with previ-
                                                              ous two lower-segment cesarean section presented to the
          Keywords: Hysteroscopy, Infertility, Osseous metaplasia.  obstetrics and gynecology outpatient with complaints of

          How to cite this article: Gupta G, Mahindru D, D’Souza A,   secondary infertility for past 7 years, irregular menstrual
          Goyal S. Osseous Metaplasia of Endometrium: A Very Rare  cycles with intermenstrual bleeding. She presented with
          Entity. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(2):69-72.          history of dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia.
          Source of support: Nil                                 Her general examination and bimanual exploration
                                                              were normal. Her routine hematological parameters
          Conflict of interest: None                          were normal. Both couples were subjected for infertility

                                                              workup and nothing abnormal was noted.
          INTRODUCTION                                           Ultrasound pelvis showed the uterus to be of 5.2 ×

          Osseous metaplasia of endometrium is a rare  disorder   4.3 cm size with normal shape, and echotexture. Endo-
          characterized by the presence of mature or immature   metrial stripe was 7.5 mm. An echogenic foci was seen
          bone in the endometrium. It is a rarely encountered condi-  casting posterior acoustic shadow. Cervix was normal
          tion, with an estimated incidence of 3/10,000.  Nearly 80   with closed internal os. Bilateral ovaries were normal. No
          cases have been reported in the world literature, including   adnexal mass or free fluid was noted in pouch of douglas.
          around 9 cases from India. 3                           She was taken up for diagnostic laparoscopy and
                                                              chromohysteroscopy. On laparoscopy, uterus was found
                                                              to be bulky with normal bilateral tubes and ovaries.
           1 Assistant Professor,  Resident,  Professor       Chromopertubation test showed bilateral free spill, sug-
           1-4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Christian Medical   gestive of patency of both fallopian tubes.
           College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India           Hysteroscopy was done using rigid hysteroscope with
           Corresponding Author: Garima Gupta, Assistant Professor   saline as distending media and multiple small coral-like
           Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Christian Medical   white plaques – bony spicules were seen. They were
           College  &  Hospital,  Ludhiana,  Punjab,  India,  e-mail:  amity   removed using hysteroscopic forceps and submitted for
                                                              histopathological study (Fig. 1).
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):69-72                                69
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