Page 23 - WJOLS - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 23

MSR Pradeep, V Sandeep Kumar
           Author             Procedure                             Tumor type, stage, and grade        of cases
           Landman and        Laparoscopic nephrectomy              RCC T1N0G2                          1
           Clayman 56
           Fentie et al 57    Laparoscopic nephrectomy              RCC T3N0G4                          1
           Otani et al 58     Laparoscopic nephrectomy              Incidental finding of TCC, G3 within   1
                                                                    tuberculous atrophic kidney
           Ahmed et al 59     Laparoscopic nephrectomy              Kidney TCC T3G3-G4                  1
           Altieri et al 60   Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection  Bladder TCC T3G2               1
           Bangma et al 61    Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection  PCa T3N1                       1
           Andersen et al 62  Transperitoneal laparoscopic bladder biopsy  Bladder TCC T1G2             1
           Stolla et al 17    Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection  Bladder TCC pT3G2              1

          the published literature up to 2017 recovered 40 articles   Tsivian and Sidi  alone reported nine cases of PSMs
          comprising almost 60 cases for the words “port-site  after urologic laparoscopy, and Rassweiler et al  pub-
          metastasis” and “urology.”                          lished eight local recurrences observed in 1,098 laparo-
             Etiological factors have been categorized into three  scopic procedures for urologic malignancies. Single case
          main categories: Tumor-related, wound-related, and  of PSM after prostatic adenocarcinoma has been reported
          surgical technique-related factors. Surgical technique-  by De Bruyne et al  and usually associated with poor
          related factors have been categorized into two main  prognosis.
          categories: Manipulation is the principal factor acting in   For port-site tumor recurrence to occur, several con-
          tumor dissemination. Extraction of the surgical specimen  ditions must be present. There must be release of viable
          is determined by the surgeon. The possible preventive  cancer cells from the tumor. There must be a mechanism
          measure has been categorized into two main categories:  by which these tumor cells are transported to the port site.
          Active measures and measures for reducing the risk of  Lastly, implantation of the tumor cells at the port site and
          laparoscopic PSM in urological surgery.             subsequent growth must occur. It has been hypothesized
                                                              that several factors may aid in this process, namely (1)
          DISCUSSION                                          the biologic aggressiveness of the tumor, (2) local wound
          In urothelial cancers, port-site recurrence has been   factors, (3) host immune responses, and (4) laparoscopic
          reported in a total of 13 cases, as reviewed by Micali et al     surgical techniques. 13
          in an international survey of 19 urologic laparoscopic   Biological aggressiveness of the tumor, represented
          centers performing a total of 18,750 laparoscopic proce-  by grade and stage, plays a decisive role in possible
          dures for urologic malignancies. The incidence was 0.12%   tumor seeding determination, explaining why grades II
          (13 of 10,912). Majority of port-site recurrences reported in  and III TCCs represent the majority of PSMs in urological
          this survey represented TCC. Of these 13 cases, there were  procedures. 13

          4 metastatic adrenal carcinomas, 4 urothelial carcinomas,     Local wound factors help in the implantation and
          3 nephroureterectomy cases of upper urothelial carcinoma,  proliferation of tumor cells at the port site.  Cancer cells
          1 case of retroperitoneal lymph node resection for testicu-  have high proliferation potential within healing skin
          lar cancer, and 1 case of lymph node resection for penile  incisions or intestinal anastomosis.  Tumor cells implant
          cancer. Port-site metastasis after laparoscopic extirpative  more easily and successfully during early wound healing,
          surgery for renal-cell carcinoma (RCC) is extremely rare.  adhering to fibrin deposited at the site of surgical wound
          Micali et al  identified no instances of port-site recurrence  as a part of normal healing.  The presence of growth
          in 2,604 cases of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for RCC.  factors at the wound site promotes the survival and
             Port-site metastasis is a rare complication of laparo-  propagation of these cancer cells. As suggested by few
          scopic intervention in urologic malignancies. Of the more  animal studies, the port-site incision is more conducive
          than 50 reported cases of PSM in the urologic oncology  than the laparotomy incision for tumor seeding.  Aoki
          literature, only 10 have occurred after surgery for RCC.   et al  suggest that repair of the peritoneum at the trocar
          First case of camera PSM after robot-assisted partial  entry site may reduce the risk of tumor implantation and
          nephrectomy was reported by Song et al.  The estimated  subsequent recurrence.
          incidence of PSM for robotic cystectomy is <0.5%. This   Immune depression of the peritoneum occurs during
          is higher than the overall PSM rate for urologic cancers  laparoscopic insufflation as demonstrated by macrophage
          (0.09%).  The incidence of tumor seeding in general lapa-  function alteration, resulting in tumor recurrence and
          roscopic surgery ranges from 0.8 to 21%. 8,9        metastasis. 21-25  Overall, immune function is diminished
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