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          MSR Pradeep, V Sandeep Kumar                                          10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1316

          Port-site Metastasis after Minimally Invasive Surgery for

          Urological Malignancy: A Review of Literature

          1 MSR Pradeep,  V Sandeep Kumar

          ABSTRACT                                            malignant ovarian cystic adenoma in penetration sites of
          Introduction: Port-site metastasis (PSM) has been a concern   the pneumo-needle and trocar. Some specific procedures
          with the common use of minimally invasive surgery, especially  and tumors have been associated with a higher incidence
          laparoscopy in urologic oncology. We conducted this study to  of PSM or tumor seeding; however, the precise incidence
          provide a review of PSMs reported after minimally invasive   of PSM and its etiology and pathogenesis have not been
          surgery in managing urologic malignancies, possible contribut-                      8
          ing factors and preventive measures.                well defined in urologic laparoscopy.
                                                                 Since the first successful laparoscopic nephrectomy in
          Materials and methods: An electronic search of MEDLINE,   1
          PubMed, Google Scholar,  and HighWire Press  with the   1991,  minimally invasive approaches have been increas-
          combined keywords “port-site metastasis” and “urology” was  ingly used in tumor resection and lymph node dissection
          carried out.                                        for urologic cancers. This approach has multiple advan-
          Results: A total of 40 articles comprising almost 60 cases  tages, including decreased length of hospitalization,
          addressing PSM after minimally invasive surgery for urological  decreased pain, faster recovery, and improved cosmesis.
          malignancy were identified.                         Laparoscopic surgery has equivalent oncologic outcomes
          Conclusion: Port-site metastasis in urological laparoscopic   to open procedures; however, PSM is rare, troubling, and
          surgery is rare and is preventable. Risk can be minimized by   often an unexplained occurrence. The first known occur-
          applying open surgery oncological procedural principles.
                                                              rence of PSM after a urologic procedure was in 1994, when
          Keywords: Laparoscopy, Port-site metastasis, Robotic, Uro-  Stolla et al  reported a case of subcutaneous metastasis of
          logical malignancy.
                                                              bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) after laparoscopic
          How to cite this article: Pradeep MSR, Kumar VS. Port-  pelvic lymph node dissection. Since then, about 50 PSMs
          site Metastasis after Minimally Invasive Surgery for Uro-                                        10
          logical Malignancy: A Review of Literature. World J Lap Surg   have been reported in the setting of urologic surgery.
          2017;10(3):102-107.                                    Port-site metastasis is a multifactorial phenomenon
          Source of support: Nil                              with an as-yet undetermined incidence. Etiological factors
                                                              include natural malignant disease behavior, host immune
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              status, local wound factors, laparoscopy-related factors,
          INTRODUCTION                                        such as aerosolization of tumor cells (the use of gas, type
                                                              of gas, insufflation and desufflation, and pneumoperito-
          In recent years, questions have been raised about the   neum) and sufficient technical experience of the surgeons
          oncologic safety of laparoscopic and robotic approach.    and operating team (adequate laparoscopic equipment,
          Even though a large number of specialized centers around   skill, minimal handling of the tumor), surgical manipula-
          the world perform laparoscopy for urologic cancer,  local  tion, wound contamination during instrument change,
          recurrence and PSM still remain a concern. 4        organ morcellation, and specimen removal. 9
             When PSMs occur, they often do so in the presence
          of advanced disease, but it is not uncommon for them to  MATERIALS AND METHODS
          occur in isolation. 5,6                             An electronic search of MEDLINE, PubMed, Google
             The first known report of a PSM was by Dobronte
          et al  in 1978. The authors reported implantation of    Scholar, and HighWire Press of the published literature
                                                              up to 2017 was carried out using the combined key words
                                                              “port-site metastasis” and “Urology.”
           1 Consultant,  Senior Resident                        Duplicate references, as well as repeated references to
           1 Department of Urology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal   the same data sets, were removed. The articles and case
           Telangana, India                                   reports directly addressing PSM after minimally invasive
           2 Department of Urology, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad   surgery for urological malignancy were reviewed.
           Telangana, India
           Corresponding Author: MSR Pradeep, Consultant, Department
           of Urology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Telangana   Table 1 11-16  shows the case reports found on MEDLINE,
           India, e-mail:
                                                              PubMed, Google Scholar, and HighWire Press; search of
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