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          Pallikonda S Madhulika, Juan González-Tova                            10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1317

          Hypocalcemia and Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients

          Post-bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review

          1 Pallikonda S Madhulika,  Juan U González-Tova

          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION

          Introduction: Bariatric surgery is viewed as the best tool  Since the advent of bariatric surgery, numerous surgical
          for the control and treatment of severe obesity; however,   techniques for the treatment of obesity have been proposed
          postsurgery, they have a greater risk of developing nutritional   and further improvised over the decades. The RYGB is an
          deficiencies as this procedure hinders the absorption of most
          of the nutrients.                                   operation, i.e., viewed as a gold standard of treatment for
                                                              extreme obesity in light of the fact that it results in fewer
          Objective: To evaluate the effect of vitamin D insufficiency   serious side effects and complications than conventional
          and that of calcium in bone in patients after Roux-en-Y gastric   malabsorption techniques, e.g., jejunoileal bypass.  The
          bypass (RYGB), and the mode of administration of calcium, its
          dosage, and efficacy.                               malabsorption methodologies have been perceived as a
                                                              risk factor for diseases of bone  because of the resulting
          Materials and methods: A precise survey was performed with   alteration of calcium metabolism and decreased absorp-
          articles identified that are associated with the subject of interest.   tion. 9-15  Some studies explored these deranged levels of
          Articles from 10 years back were looked up in PubMed, the US
          National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health,   calcium tentatively in patients with jejunoileal bypass,
          Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, and Cochrane utilizing the headings   and demonstrated that assimilation diminishes by half
          “bariatric surgery,” “bone,” “obesity,” “vitamin D,” “calcium,” and  after surgery. 10,11,14  Insufficient calcium intake is common
          “absorption.”                                       after gastric bypass, 16,17  further increasing the bone loss.

          Results: Five articles were incorporated into this survey    Comprehending the postoperative RYGB, diminishing of
          that have analyzed the facts that bariatric surgery can cause   calcium absorption and supplements, and exploring the
          wholesome inadequacies of nutrition and poor assimilation  dosages, modes of administration, and the duration of
          of fats and fat-dissolvable vitamins and micronutrients, e.g.,  medication treatment and its impacts on bone were the
          calcium.                                            sole objectives of this review.
          Conclusion: Patients submitted to RYGB should make use of
          multivitamins and minerals, especially vitamin D and calcium   MATERIALS AND METHODS
          to prevent bone fractures. Monitoring, treatment, and control   The population, intervention, comparison, and outcome
          of risk factors are essential to prevent complications after this   (PICO) strategy was adopted to expound the response to
                                                              the question, “How is bone lost in patients who experience
          Keywords: Bariatric surgery, Calcium deficiency, Vitamin D  bariatric surgery and what supplements help to diminish
          deficiency.                                         this loss?” Obese patients who had bone loss and addition-
          How to cite this article: Madhulika PS, González-Tova JU.   ally BMI from 35 to 39.9 kg/m  with comorbidities and ≥40
          Hypocalcemia  and  Vitamin  D  Deficiency  in  Patients  Post-  kg/m  (population); patients submitted to RYGB by lapa-
          bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review. World J Lap Surg  roscopy or laparotomy (intervention); eutrophic patients
          2017;10(3):108-111.                                 with BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m  (comparison); patients with
          Source of support: Nil                              insufficiency of vitamin D and calcium and conceivable
                                                              nearness of fractures (outcome) were selected.
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              Qualification Criteria for Study Consideration

           1 Assistant Professor, Professor                   Inclusion Criteria
           1 Department of General Surgery, Shri Sathya Sai Medical   All studies; patients of age 15 to 70 years; BMI from 35 to
           College and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India  39.9 kg/m  with comorbidities and ≥40 kg/m ; ≥3 months
           2 Department of Urology, Hospital Universitari de Vic, Barcelona   postsurgery; and laparoscopic or laparotomic RYGB.
                                                              Exclusion Criteria
           Corresponding Author: Pallikonda S Madhulika, Assistant
           Professor, Department of General Surgery, Shri Sathya Sai   Pregnant women or, women in lactation; smoking or
           Medical College and Research, Institute Chennai, Tamil Nadu   previous smoker; people treated with bisphosphonates;
           India, e-mail:
                                                              and animals.
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