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                                                      Hypocalcemia and Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients Post-bariatric Surgery
          Types of Outcome                                    finally debilitating the bones and then leading to the
                                                              likelihood of  fractures in the  postoperative  period.
          Essential outcome was engaged in vitamin D and calcium            21
          inadequacy; nonetheless, conceivable bone fractures   Avgerinos et al  in their essential prospective cohort
          were investigated after bariatric surgery. As auxiliary   in people of the two sexual orientations for a period of
          outcomes, connection between the kind of supplement   2 years have demonstrated the significance of vitamin D
          administration and the body’s capability in engrossing   supplementation to prevent the decline of calcium in
          the administered medication was looked at; and the   the bones.
          dosages and their consequences for the maintenance or   Research investigated women in pre- and postmeno-
          recuperation of bone resorption after bariatric surgery   pausal stages demonstrating that there was no critical dif-
          were observed.                                      ference between them in calcium absorption inadequacy
                                                              and even the differences in relationship to the sort of

          Search Strategy                                     surgery were not present. 17,18,23
                                                                 As per this review, the sort of administration and
          PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, and Cochrane were   dosage had no relationship or significance over time on
          utilized with the headings “bariatric surgery,” “bone,”   drug treatment. Nonetheless, no direct connection to the
          “stoutness,” “vitamin D,” “calcium,” “AND” “assimila-  postoperative bone loss was demonstrated. Vasconcelos
          tion.” Following the collection of data, examination of the   et al  considered the calcium intake in the eating routine
          title, perusing of the theoretical abstracts, the complete   of 600 mg and supplemented with 200 mg as tablet form
          perusing of the articles was made.
                                                              during the 22 months in the operated group. Although
                                                              the intake was fundamentally higher than in the nonop-
                                                              erated group, it was still lower than the prescribed levels
          Table 1 shows the methodological characteristics of the  for these patients, which ought to be between 1,000 and
          selected studies. Of the five articles, three corresponded to  1,800 mg/day. 24-26
          prospective cohort studies; 18-22  two used the laparoscopic   Intake of vitamin D (500 IU) was likewise beneath
          approach and one enrolled only women; there was one  the prescribed levels. It can be deduced from the post-
          case report and one case series. All assessed the nutri-  operative vitamin supplementation that it ought not just
          tional status and bone fractures, routes of administration,  comprise multivitamins, since most do not contain the
          as well as the respective dosage of vitamin D and calcium;   calcium and vitamin D required and prescribed to be
          one article evaluated the parathyroid hormone and its   taken each day. The above changes may increase the
          influence on bone reabsorption in RYGB.             postoperative and preoperative screening; care ought
                                                              to be taken to prevent the changes in bone metabolism.
          DISCUSSION                                          Reasonable supplementation of vitamins and minerals is

          The results of this systematic review are based on five   basic to avoid or limit bone metabolic intricacies that can
          publications. The research did not identify bone fractures   happen after RYGB. 27
          in patients undergoing bariatric surgery; nonetheless,   Another important factor apart from vitamin D
          there appeared high inadequacies in vitamin D and   supplementation and calcium that may influence bone
          calcium in the bones. The studies demonstrated the   change in these patients is age, other than the differences
          diverse ways of administration and the results, noting the   in between women in premenopausal and postmeno-
          different answers regarding insufficiencies that emerge   pausal women that need particular approach. There are
          in the bone tissue because of dose and adequacy, as   different elements that can impact straightforwardly and
          indicated by the route of administration. After bariatric   add to bone resorption, which include lack of vitamin D,
          surgery, all investigations pronounced outcomes with   deficient calcium intake, and secondary hyperparathyroi-
          deficiency in the bones of patients, paying little heed to   dism, present sometimes in the obese. The parathyroid
          the kind of bariatric surgery. All studies specified admin-  hormone additionally increases the activity of osteoclasts,
          istration of vitamin D and calcium by means of tablets or   prompting bone cortical destruction to make up for the
          infusions in various doses.                         abatement of serum calcium. 10
             None of them exhibited complete loss of bone calcium,   In connection with bone density and fracture preva-
          yet demonstrated a critical distinction in bone resorp-  lence, no significant differences in the studies were
          tion, fundamentally by parathyroid hormone. Parathy-  found. It is conceivable that the generally short follow-up
          roid hormone increases the movement of osteoclasts,  contributed to the lack of identification of bone fracture.
          prompting the devastation of the cortical bone, indicat-  Future research is needed to better elucidate the bone
          ing a likewise marked inadequacy of vitamin D, 15,19    complications in these patients.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2017;10(3):108-111                     109
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