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                                                  Port-site Metastasis after Minimally Invasive Surgery for Urological Malignancy
          in the perioperative period because of factors like anes-  •  Use of an impermeable bag if morcellation is done 15
          thetic agents, opioids, surgical trauma, blood transfu-  •  Use of a bag for intact specimen removal
          sions, temperature changes, pain, and psychological  •  Placement  of  drain  if  needed  before  abdominal
          stress.  Some studies showed a better preservation of   deflation 32
          cell-mediated immunity after laparoscopic surgery.   •  Povidone-iodine irrigation of the laparoscopic instru-
          However, these benefits are not applied to the peritoneal   ments, trocar, and port-site wounds.  Local applica-
          level, possibly related to the hypoxic environment due to   tion of cytotoxic agents, such as methotrexate and
          pneumoperitoneum pressure and secondary effect of the   cyclophosphamide, is also found to be effective 30
          carbon dioxide in the peritoneal macrophage response. 34  •  Suturing all port sites ≥10 mm 9,31
             Factors related to laparoscopic surgical technique   Burns et al  demonstrated on an animal model that
          contribute to port-site recurrence.  These include the use  port-site tumor implantation was significantly increased
          of pneumoperitoneum, trocar site contamination, organ  when only skin was closed compared with closure of all
          and tumor morcellation, and the method of specimen  three layers. The authors proved that closure technique
          retrieval. The direct dissemination of tumor cells from  may influence the rate of port-site tumor implantation.
          contaminated material or from extraction with an open
          bag has been reported. 5,6,23  Several studies have suggested  CONCLUSION
          that CO  insufflation has an impact on the movement of   Port-site metastasis in urological laparoscopic surgery is
          tumor cells within the peritoneal cavity and subsequent   rare and is preventable. Risk can be minimized by apply-
          implantation at port sites. 12,27  Wittich et al  found that   ing open surgery oncological procedural principles. 31,34-62
          aerosolization of tumor cells occurs during CO  laparos-
          copy. According to the chimney effect hypothesis,  the   REFERENCES
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