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          Abhay Singhal et al                                                   10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1315

          Can Robotic Gastrectomy be considered as Gold Standard

          for Upcoming Surgeons? A Multi-institutional Comparative

          1 Abhay Singhal,  Swati Garg,  Rajneesh K Mishra,  Jatinder S Chowhan
          ABSTRACT                                            improve short-term results and the patient’s quality of
          Surgical techniques have evolved tremendously over this past   life when compared with open surgery.  While in the
          century. Minimally invasive surgery for gastric cancer is not  Western world, development of laparoscopic gastrectomy
          a new research field, but still an important problem remains  (LG) has been very slow and is not yet considered an
          regarding the selection of the appropriate technique for a given   acceptable alternative to standard open surgery.  This
          gastric cancer case. Although evidence is limited, the use of the
          robotic surgery platform is far assessed as a feasible and safe   skepticism is basically due to the technical complexity of
          procedure, which is also easier to learn as less than 10 cases   LG and concerns about the feasibility of an oncologically
          of robotic surgery are needed to become proficient therein.  acceptable lymphadenectomy. For these reasons, LG is
          This review will however cover in-depth review of retrospective  considered one of the most difficult operations, requiring
          reports, analyzing the pros and cons of robotic surgery and   a long learning curve of about 40 to 50 cases. 9
          highlighting the remaining study questions.
                                                                 Robotic systems include operator-controlled three-
          Keywords: Gastrectomy, Gastric cancer surgery, Minimally  dimensional cameras that ensure steady and effective
          invasive surgery, Robotic surgery.                  surgical fields of view with motion scaling and tremor
          How  to  cite  this  article:  Singhal  A,  Garg  S,  Mishra  RK,  suppression, multiple degrees of freedom with instru-
          Chowhan JS. Can Robotic Gastrectomy be considered as   ment flexibility, and improved ergonomics. 10-13  It is
          Gold Standard for Upcoming Surgeons? A Multi-institutional   believed that this technological evolution can assist
          Comparative Review. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(3):98-101.
                                                              the surgeon with complex surgical procedures that are
          Source of support: Nil                              required in radical gastrectomy, such as precise lymph
          Conflict of interest: None                          node dissection and intracorporeal anastomoses. 4
                                                                 However, the number of robotic gastrectomies per-
                                                              formed per year has been increasing, particularly in East
                                                              Asia where the incidence of gastric cancer is high and
          Surgery is unanimously considered the mainstay curative  approximately half of the cases are diagnosed as early
          treatment in gastric cancer. Technically, the possibilities  gastric cancer. The use of the robotic platforms in general
          range from open surgery to minimally invasive methods,  surgery did not enjoy the same success as it did in urologic
          such as laparoscopy or robotic surgery. Although mini-  surgery, and the field of gastric cancer is no exception.
          mally invasive surgery for gastric cancer has evolved  Robotic surgery till now has only proven its safety and
          rapidly, it has increased in popularity during the last two  feasibility in early gastric cancer.  The current challenge
          decades mainly in the Far East and for patients with early-  for robotic surgery in gastric cancer is to prove its effective-
          stage tumors.  A number of trials and meta-analyses have  ness and benefit as a treatment option, ideally in the form
          confirmed that laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer can  of a survival advantage and steep learning curve as com-
                                                              pared with open and conventional laparoscopic surgery.

           1 Senior Resident,  Junior Consultant,  Professor and Head     MATERIALS AND METHODS
           4 Senior Consultant
           1 Department  of  General  Surgery,  Lady  Hardinge  Medical    Literatures that published in English in years 2016 and
           College & Associated SSK & KSC Hospitals, New Delhi, India  2017 were searched in PubMed and Knowledge Genie,
           2 Vrinda Diagnostic Centre, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India  using the search terms “robotic gastrectomy” (RG) and
           3 Department of Minimal Access Surgery  TGO University   “gastric cancer” along with their synonyms or abbrevia-
           Gurugram, Haryana, India                           tions. Then all titles, abstracts, or related citations were
           4 Department  of  Laparoscopic  and  Robotic  Surgery,  World   scanned and reviewed, and the references of each identi-
           Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurugram, Haryana, India     fied articles were also evaluated. Large-scale prospective
           Corresponding Author: Abhay Singhal, R-2/235 Raj Nagar     cohort studies, retrospective case–control studies, and
           Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201002, India, Phone: +919810014448   case series were also reviewed of which lastly five articles
                                                              were selected for the review.
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