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                           Laparoscopic Port Closure Techniques and Incidence of Port-site Hernias: A Review and Recommendations
          They did not report data relating to laparoscopic trocar  non-bladed trocars and concluded that it helps in the
          hernias.                                            creation of ports with the smallest dissection without
             One randomized trial conducted an intraoperative eval-  bleeding or cutting the muscle fibers.  This splitting
          uation of laparoscopic closure techniques. Elashry et al.   of abdominal wall musculature by trocar allows the

          studied the closure of 95 twelve-mm trocar port-sites in  surgeon to forego closure of small fascial defects. Blade-
          32 patients and compared the Carter-Thomason (CT-NP)  less 12 mm visual entry trocars have also been shown to
          needlepoint suture device (CooperSurgical, Inc, Trumbull,  produce no intraoperative bowel or vascular injuries, no
          CT) with the Maciol suture needle set (Specialty Surgical  mortality and extremely low rate of trocar site hernia of
          Instrumentation, Nashville, TN), eXit disposable puncture  0.2%.  Single-incision laparoscopic surgeries are finding
          closure device (Progressive Medical, St. Louis, MO), the  greater acceptance among the surgeons and patients due
          Endoclose device (Covidien Surgical, Norwalk, CT), a  to better cosmetic outcomes. These depend heavily on
          14-gauge angiocatheter, Lowsley retractor (CS Surgical  the 12 mm ports, for visualization and instrumentation.
          Inc, Slidell, LA) with hand-sutured closure, and standard  A study suggests that single incision laparoscopic surgery
          hand-sutured closure. They found that the CT-NP device  has a higher incidence of port-site hernia when compared
          was faster (mean time 2.5 minutes) and had secure closure  to conventional laparoscopy.  Studies have also shown
          confirmed digitally and endoscopically. They, however,  a higher incidence of port-site hernia in cases of single
          did not follow their patients for hernia development. This  incision robotic procedures. 55
          study was underpowered, and hence no definitive conclu-  With the multitude of port entry and closure tech-
          sions could be made about the benefit of one closure type  niques, it will be an uphill task for the surgeon to famil-
          over another in hernia development.                 iarize with all the techniques. Every entry technique
                                                              comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
          Patient Presentation                                Similarly, the closure techniques also have their pros and
                                                              cons. It is prudent on the part of the surgeon to decide
          The incidence can be said to be underestimated, as   upon the preferred technique. The bladeless, blunt and
          the patients present only if they are symptomatic. The   radially dilating trocars have been proven to be superior
          real incidence, however, can be established only if an   in various studies. 51-53
          abdominal CT-scan will be done for each patient oper-  All the 10 mm and 12 mm ports should ideally be
          ated with a laparoscopic approach, which is overbur-  closed otherwise the morbidity associated with the port
          dening to the patient as well as the health-care system.   site hernia will adversely affect the expected benefits of
          The usual hernia contents are omentum and to a lesser   the intended minimally invasive surgery.
          degree, small bowel.                                   Regarding the port closure, the authors would like to
             Richter’s hernia occurs when a part of the bowel wall   present a few recommendations, after reviewing various
          that is the antimesenteric border, herniates through the   articles on entry and closure techniques, which would
          port-site. The incidence of Richter’s hernia was about   help to minimize the risk of port site hernia development.
          47.50% in early onset hernias in one study and they typi-  •  Obese patients pose a problem due to the thickness
          cally present with nausea, vomiting, pain and abdominal   of the abdominal wall and long needle carriers may
          distention.  Computed tomography and gastrointestinal   be needed to secure proper closure.
          contrast studies have been used to aid the diagnosis of   •  Ports which are 10 mm and higher, either midline or
          trocar site hernias. 49
                                                                 lateral, must be closed at the level of fascia. 29,56
                                                              •  The use of minimal necessary ports. Neudecker et al.
          Whether to Close or Not
                                                                 had shown that port site complications were increased
          A study by Singal et al.  a total of 200 non-obese patients,   with increased number of ports.
          who were posted for various laparoscopic procedures,  •  Port closure should incorporate both fascia and peri-
          were prospectively studied. They were divided into two   toneum.
          groups and with group A receiving only skin closure  •  The 5 mm ports may generally be closed at skin
          without fascial closure and group B receiving both     level but in case of enlargement of the fascial and/
          fascial and skin closure, of the 10 mm port. The 5 mm   or peritoneal defect during the surgery, mostly due
          ports were closed only with skin closure. They found   to more time-consuming procedures or those which
          no significant difference between the groups in terms   require extensive manipulation must be closed at
          of port-site hernia, bleeding and infection rates. Blunt   fascial level too.
          10 mm trocars were used in all the patients. Bladeless  •  The midline port sites in all patients must be closed
          trocars have been shown to atraumatic, and they split,   using standard methods through the skin wound
          rather than cut the muscle fibers upon entry.  Liu used   particularly if it is enlarged due to tissue retrieval.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):90-102                               99
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