Page 42 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 42

Mohammed Arifuzaman, Asna Samreen
             Pneumoperitoneum is maintained. The closed peri-  in the port-site and deployed with the wings which lock
          toneal layer is viewed through the laparoscope, and  in the abdominal wall. The sutures are fully inserted
          palpation of the closure ensures that the fascial layer  into the guide channels and locked. The retriever is then
          is completely occluded. The author reports the use of  removed and the same process continued on the other
          this technique in more than 200 advanced laparoscopic  side. The wing shield is the collapsed once the slide lock
          techniques without a single case of port-site hernia.   is repositioned and the device removed from the defect.
          And also been introduced, that is Carter–Thomason II,  Both the ends of the suture are then tied, and the knot

          which offers better and faster closure (Fig. 6). It has a  buries deep in the fascial layer. This study was performed

          15 mm and 10 mm suture guides and a suture passer. The  in cadavers and reportedly better results were obtained
          suture passer useful in obese patients.             with EFx than CT in terms of time needed for closure,
                                                              safety, and facility.
          Endo Close Instrument  22

          Del Junco M published a study, where the efficacy of   Veress Needle for Port-site Closure 23
          WECK EFx™ Endo Fascial Closure System (EFx) (Fig. 7)     Kotakala and Mishra conducted a retrospective study of
          was compared with the Carter–Thomason CloseSure     500 patients who underwent various Laparoscopic pro-
          System  (CT) for the closure of laparoscopic trocar site   cedures from 2006–2015 in which the port-sites of 10 mm
          defects created by a 12 mm dilating trocar. Weck EFx is   or greater were closed with a novel technique using only
          a fascial closure system where an absorbable suture is   the veress needle. A loop is created with a suture thread
          passed in the suture retrieval system once it is introduced   in the cannula of veress needle through and through the
                                                              whole length of the cannula. Another suture, which will
                                                              be used to close the port-site, is introduced in the tip of
                                                              the cannula for about 2 cm and held in place with a finger.
                                                              This Veress is now passed from the external skin wound
                                                              of the port-site and the suture left in the abdomen under
                                                              the vision of the laparoscope. The Veress is removed and
                                                              introduced through the other edge of the wound, and the
                                                              fascial insertion site is about 2 cm lateral to the previous
                                                              Veress insertion.

                 Fig. 4: Skin hooks taut the sheath and facilitate
                         easy passage of sutures

                                                                   1             2                     3
                                                                Fig. 5: Carter-Thomason needle point suture passer device

             Fig. 6: Carter–Thomason II port-site closure device is an
                       improved version of the carter            Fig. 7: WECK EFx™ Endo Fascial Closure System (EFx)
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