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                           Laparoscopic Port Closure Techniques and Incidence of Port-site Hernias: A Review and Recommendations
          Port Plug                                           incorporation of bowel in port-site closures, and their
                                                              complications. Inadequate suturing of the fascial defect,
          A bioabsorbable hernia plug (Fig. 13) is used in the trocar   infection, or suture disruption may lead to an incisional
          site with the help if bioabsorbable hernia plug device.
          Moreno et al.  used this technique in a pilot study on   hernia or ascitic fluid leakage in the case of patients with
          17 patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery. The mean
                                                                 The incidence of port-site hernia has been reported
          follow-up was 14.6 months, and no complications were   at about 0.23% at the 10 mm port-site, 1.9% at the 12 mm
          reported. Different methods of placement of the hernia   port-site. Most of the studies have reported hernias in
          plug are show in Figures 14 and 15.
                                                              port size 10 mm or higher. 31,32  The 5 mm port has shown
                                                              a very low incidence of port-site hernias.
          Meticulous closure of laparoscopic ports is pertinent  Classification
          to prevent the occurrence of port-site incisional hernia,
                                                              Port-site hernias can be classified into:
                                                              •  Early onset: occurring within 2 weeks of surgery with
                                                                 dehiscence of fascial planes and peritoneum. These
                                                                 present most commonly with small bowel obstruction.
                                                              •  Late-onset: Occurring after 2 weeks with dehiscence
                                                                 of the fascial plane with intact peritoneal hernia
                                                                 sac. Around 12.50% of these present with intestinal
                                                              •  Special: Which presents with dehiscence of the whole
                                                                 abdominal wall. 33

                                                              Port-site Hernia Pathogenesis

                                                              Various factors play a role in the pathogenesis of a port-
                                                              site hernia:
                                                              •  Large trocar size: Trocar size and access technique used
          Fig. 11: Looped needle formed of Long needle (20 cm outer sheath)
          and metal stent (25 cm put inside the outer sheath needle) has   can affect the rate of hernia formation. Port-site hernia
          large loop (plastic wire).                             is related to more complex procedures that require

                                          Fig. 12: Steps of closure using the looped needle
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):90-102                               97
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