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                                                          A Rare Case of Falciform Ligament Abscess with Unknown Etiology
          CASE REPORT

          A Rare Case of Falciform Ligament Abscess with

          Unknown Etiology

          1 Vimal K Jain,  Ashishkumar G Hadiyal,  Shalit A Jolly,  Vivek Maurya
          ABSTRACT                                               The incidence of the falciform ligament is very rare.
          The incidence of a falciform ligament is very rare. Because of   Only a few cases have been reported till date. The patho-
          the rarity of the condition and sparsity of available literature,  physiology of abscess formation in falciform ligament is
          it’s very difficult to diagnose this condition preoperatively. In  not very well understood. Preoperatively diagnosis of
          this case, a 65-year-old lady had presented with pain in epigas-  this condition is difficult. A case of falciform ligament
          trium and vomitings for 3 days. All blood investigations were
          normal except serum Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and serum   abscess misdiagnosed as acute cholecystitis in our hos-
          gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) which were 141 IU/L and  pital is reported here.
          275 U/L respectively. USG revealed only chronic cholecystitis.
          On diagnostic laparoscopy, falciform ligament abscess was   Clinical Case Presentation
          detected which was adequately drained. The patient responded
          well with the drainage without recurrence till date. Laparoscopic  A female patient aged 65 years admitted in Mata Chanan
          cholecystectomy was also done in the same sitting.   Devi hospital with a complaint of pain in epigastrium
          Keywords: Cholecystitis, Diagnostic laparoscopy, Falciform  and vomitings for 2 to 3 days.
          ligament abscess.                                      The pain was severe, sudden in onset, constant,
          List of Used Abbreviations: ALP–Alkaline phosphatase,  radiating to back and not related to the meal—no
          CECT–Contrast enhanced computed tomography, DNB–Dip-  previous history of such type of pain. There was no
          lomates of national board, ECG–Electrocardiography, GGT–  history of fever, jaundice, breathing difficulty or any
          Gamma-glutamyl transferase, PAC–Pre-anesthetic clearance,
          RBS–Random blood sugar, SGOT–Serum glutamic oxaloacetic   trauma to chest and abdomen. There was no history
          transaminase, SGPT–Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase,   of surgery in the past. The patient was nonalcoholic
          USG–Ultrasonography                                 and not a diabetic or hypertensive and had no other
          How to cite this article: Jain VK, Hadiyal AG, Jolly SA, Maurya V.    major illnesses.
          A Rare Case of Falciform Ligament Abscess with unknown   The patient was afebrile, pulse rate was 82/minute
          Etiology. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(2):103-105.      and blood pressure was 118/74 mm of Hg. The abdomen
          Source of support: Nil                              was tender in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium.
                                                              There was no palpable mass. As per history and clinical
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              examination, a provisional diagnosis of acute cholecys-
                                                              titis was made.
                                                                 Complete blood count, RBS, serum electrolytes,
          The falciform ligament helps in holding the liver in place  urea, creatinine, amylase, lipase, bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT,
          by attaching it to the anterior abdominal wall. It is com-  chest X-ray, ECG were normal. Serum ALP was mildly
          posed of two layers of peritoneum closely united together  raised(141 IU/L) GGT was raised (275 U/L). USG find-
          which might provide potential space for infection. Its free  ings were suggestive of chronic cholecystitis with cho-
          edge contains the round ligament (ligamentum teres)  lelithiasis.
          and the paraumbilical veins between its layers. This   Provision diagnosis of acute cholecystitis was made
          sickle-shaped ligament (Latin-falciform means sickle) is  while USG findings were not in favor. After PAC patient
          remnant of the fetal umbilical vein and derivative of the  underwent diagnostic laparoscopy. On operation, the
          embryonic ventral mesentery.                        falciform ligament was bulging and was firm in consis-
                                                              tency (Fig. 1). On aspiration, the purulent material came
                                                              out (Fig. 2). All purulent material was drained by giving
           1 Senior Consultant Surgeon,  Junior Consultant Surgeon  DNB   a cruciate incision and wound was irrigated adequately
           Trainee                                            with normal saline (Fig. 3). Laparoscopic cholecystec-
           1-4 Department of General Surgery, Mata Chanan Devi Hospital,   tomy was done. HPE confirmed the diagnosis of chronic
           Janakpuri, New Delhi, India                        cholecystitis with cholelithiasis. The patient responded
            Corresponding Author: Ashishkumar G Hadiyal, DNB Trainee,   well. She was discharged on after 2 days. The patient
            Department of General Surgery, Mata Chanan Devi Hospital,   was followed up for 60 days. There were no symptoms
            Janakpuri, New Delhi, India, e-mail:
                                                              suggestive of recurrence.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):103-105                             103
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