Page 43 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                           Laparoscopic Port Closure Techniques and Incidence of Port-site Hernias: A Review and Recommendations
             The suture end is held in the loop of the thread which  grasped and pulled through the incision and facilitates
          is in the Veress and is pulled out through the skin incision  the passage of the needle.
          and tied externally under vision. They report no incidence
          of port-site hernia or any other complications.     Suture Carrier
                                                              Jorge et al.  and Li and Chung developed this carrier
          Maciol Suture Needle Set
                                                              which made use of the vertical space. This is a hook
          Contarini  used these needles (Fig. 8). This is a set of  suture carrier which is modified from a simple hook
          three needles, two black handled introducers, one curved  retractor which has an eye in the tip through which
          and one straight and a golden retriever. The introducer  suture can be threaded (Fig. 9). The edge of the fascia
          needle passes the suture into the peritoneal cavity from the  is lifted vertically using a hook retractor, and the suture
          subcutaneous tissue. The retriever needle (with a barb) is  carrier is partially inserted to catch the peritoneum and
          then passed into the peritoneal cavity on the opposite side  fascia under direct vision, piercing it from the lower
          of the defect to retrieve the suture and then pulled back  surface. The 0-polypropylene suture is then fed into the
          through the tissue. This procedure is performed under  eye of the carrier and brought beneath the fascia. The
          the telescopic visualization before trocar withdrawal and  suture is then passed from the edge of the opposite end
          does not require enlargement of skin incision.      of the wound with the carrier and takes a stitch from
                                                              inside to outside. After that, a knot is tied on the surface
          Hypodermic Needles                                  of the port-wound.
          Chung  used hypodermic needles as a conduit for
          threading the suture through the fascia. They reported   Using 2 S Retractors
          used this technique in more than 150 patients without a  Homayara Haque  used 2 S retractors for suture place-
          single complication.                                ment at a port-site under direct visualization. In this
                                                              technique, one S retractor was introduced into the peri-
          Five mm Trocar Technique                            toneal cavity and supports the abdominal wall (Fig. 10).

          Chapman et al.  used the 5 mm telescope to inspect   Second S retractor retracts the skin, fat, and muscle in
          the defect from the inside of the abdomen and then a   the opposite direction exposing the fascia. A needle-
          hemostat was passed through the incision. Under lapa-  suture is then used to take a bite in the fascia, and
          roscopic vision, the peritoneum and the rectus sheath are   this process is repeated in the opposite edge of the
                                                              wound using the same needle-suture. The two ends
                                                              are tied and fascia is closed. They reported the use of
                                                              this technique in 100 patients with no complications
                                                              during a mean follow-up of 6 weeks and a 12-month
                                                              annual follow-up.

                                                              Lasheen looped needle

                                                              Lasheen et al.  used two looped needles for laparo-
                                                              scopic port closure (Fig. 11). First looped needle and
                                                              slowly absorbable suture no. 0 (braided coated glycolide
                                                              homopolymer violet) inside it are passed through
                                                              the skin about 2 cm from one side of the trocar site
                                                              and appears from the abdominal cavity. The second

              Fig. 8: Maciol suture needle set and closure technique.   Fig. 9: Single jaw action suture carrier
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):90-102                               95
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