Page 38 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          Mohammed Arifuzaman, Asna Samreen                                  10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1342

          Laparoscopic Port Closure Techniques and Incidence of

          Port-site Hernias: A Review and Recommendations

          1 Mohammed Arifuzaman,  Asna Samreen

          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION
          Minimally invasive surgeries have dawned a new era in surgical   Throughout our history, the abdominal surgical proce-
          practice, cosmesis and safety. These have been heralded as   dures have been performed through large incisions. Most
          one of the best surgical methods to treat a multitude of surgical
          disorders. Though the term minimally invasive seems attractive,   of which were concurrently associated with multiple
          in the real sense of the word, these surgeries are minimal access  morbidities which include postoperative pain, wound
          surgeries and do require incisions for trocars. The wounds must  infections, wound dehiscence, longer hospital stay and a
          be closed appropriately to prevent the incidence of port-site   higher incidence of incisional hernias.  With the advances
          hernia. Though rare, port-site hernias can cause considerable   in surgery, incisions started to get smaller, and it was not
          morbidity. Most of these are seen in the midline, particularly
          around the umbilicus, but there are reports of herniation at    very late until laparoscopic procedures were introduced
          laterally placed ports. The accepted surgical practice is to close  in the early 1930s, when Ruddock, an American surgeon
          the fascial layers at all midline laparoscopic ports. There is a  described laparoscopy as diagnostic procedure superior
          multitude of ways in which the ports can be closed. This article   to Laparotomy.  The modern era of laparoscopic surgery
          aims to review the various port closure techniques practiced   is widely accepted to have commenced from September
          by different surgeons and institutions to and reflect upon the                            3
          pathophysiology of port-site hernia and recommendations to   12, 1985, when Professor Mϋhe of Bӧblingen  performed
          minimize them. Systematic research of the literature was per-  the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in Germany.
          formed using PubMed, Cochrane database, Google scholar and  The procedure has been widely accepted and has become
          ClinicalKey. Different port-site closure techniques are described   a gold standard for surgical management of cholelithiasis. 4
          and analyzed. Though not one technique has been found to be   There are various access techniques used for the cre-
          superior to the other, all of them have their pros and cons. All
          of them produce similar results, and it is upon the discretion of   ation of a pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic surgery.
          the surgeon to accept any one of these methods. The authors  They can be widely classified into open access, closed
          have also tried to provide recommendations to minimize the  access, and advanced techniques.
          incidence of port-site hernias.

          Keywords: Laparoscopic hernia and port-site closure tech-  Open Access
          niques, Port-site closure, Trocar site hernia.
                                                              This is a direct entry into the abdomen under vision
          How to cite this article: Arifuzaman M, Samreen A. Laparo-  without the creation of a pneumoperitoneum, and the
          scopic Port Closure Techniques and Incidence of Port-site   insufflator is connected once the blunt trocar is inside
          Hernias: A Review and Recommendations. World J Lap Surg   the abdominal cavity. Various techniques include Has-
                                                              son’s technique, Scandinavian technique and Fielding
          Source of support: Nil                              technique. 5-7
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              Closed Technique

                                                              Veress needle, named after Janos Veress, is used in this
                                                              technique to create a pneumoperitoneum first. This is a
            1 Junior Consultant,  Registrar
                                                              blind technique and is widely practiced.
            1 Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery, Princess
            Durru Shehvar Children’s and General Hospital, Hyderabad,
            Telangana, India                                  Advanced Techniques
            2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Princess Durru   These include single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS)
            Shehvar Children’s and General Hospital, Hyderabad,   and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery
            Telangana, India
            Corresponding Author:  Mohammed Arifuzaman,  Junior
            Consultant, Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery,   Peritoneal Healing and Adhesions
            Princess  Durru  Shehvar  Children’s  and  General  Hospital,
            Hyderabad, Telangana, India, e-mail: mohammedarifuzaman@  All the above techniques require an opening of the parietal
                                                              layer of the peritoneum to access the intraperitoneal
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