Page 35 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                                                                 Laparoscopic Repair of Non-midline Abdominal Wall Hernia
          with swelling, five patients were having complete  of another defect which was far laterally placed than
          reducible swelling, six (46.15%) patients presented with  original defect. One patient with a hernia at right hypo-
          partially reducible swelling and only one patient (7.69%)  gastrium had got defect at right iliac fossa and another
          presented with non-reducible swelling. Mean duration  patient with a hernia at right lower abdomen got defect
          of symptoms were 30.15 months within a range of three  of size 0.5 x 0.5 cm at the lateral border of rectus near the
          months to hundred and eight months (Table 2).       semilunar line which could be a Spigelian hernia.  The
             Among all patients (n = 13) six patients (46.15%) have  average size of mesh used was of diameter of 140 cm.  in
          got associated comorbidities out of which two were suf-  range of 120 cm –225 cm. Mean duration of operating
          fering from hypothyroidism, one hypertension along  time were 78.84 minutes (SD = 22.62) in range of 60 to
          with hypothyroidism, one hypertension with dyslip-  120 minutes (Table 1).
          idemia, one diabetes mellitus type–II and another one   Out of total thirteen patients, five (38.40%) complained
          having hypertension. Rest of the patients (53.84%) were  mild to moderate pain while two (15.35%) had severe
          not having any associated comorbidities.            and prolonged pain postoperatively. One patient (7.69%)
             Out of total 13, 8 patients (61.53%) have got history of  developed acute retention of urine in the immediate
          past surgery among which 5 (38.46%) were having lower  post-operative period. Four patients (30.76%) developed
          abdominal surgery [LSCS–2 (15.38%)], LSCS with open  mild to moderate seroma, and one (7.69%) developed
          appendicectomy–1 (07.69%), open appendicectomy–1  hematoma at hernia site postoperatively. All of these
          (7.69%), lap. Oophorectomy –1(07.69%)  and three (23.07%)  resolved spontaneously within three months follow up
          had history of upper abdominal surgery (lap. cholecys-  period. Two patients (15.38%) has got cellulitis around 10
          tectomy–1 (07.69%), small open epigastric hernia repair-1  mm port site with the consequent discharge of pus. Out
          (07.69%), exploratory laparotomy for appendicular perfo-  of these two patients, one (7.69%) had developed chronic
          ration peritonitis-1(07.69%). Five (38.46%) patients were  infected discharging sinus which ultimately required
          not having any history of surgical intervention in the past.  re-surgery and removal of mesh. Probably this was the
             Among all operated cases, anatomical location of  reason, recurrence of a hernia happened in this patient
          a hernia in five cases (38.46%) were at lower part of  only (Table 3).
          abdomen (right lower hypogastrium and right iliac
          fossa–3 (23.07%), left lower–2(15.38%), another five  DISCUSSIONS
          (38.46%) found to be on upper part of abdomen (right sub-  Finding of only thirteen cases of non-midline ventral
          costal and subxiphoid–1(07.69%), right upper abdomen–39     abdominal wall hernia during four years at tertiary care
          (23.07%), left upper abdomen–1 (07.69%) and three   teaching institute itself suggests that it is not a common
          (23.07%) were on the line of umbilicus-left side–2 (15.38%),   type of a hernia. Maybe this is the reason availability
          right side–1 (07.69%). All the larger size hernias were   of studies or reports in respect of a non-midline hernia
          on the right lower abdomen. Out of thirteen patients,   is very sparse and whatever literature available is of a
          five (38.46%) were having tender swelling on physical   limited number of series and sporadic case report.
          examination.                                        Shortage of literature is not only limited to research
             As expected in non-midline or lateral hernias, size of
          defects was of comparatively smaller diameter. Average
          size of defect was 06.661 cm,  (range of 2.5 cm –35 cm ).   Table 3: Operative details including complications
          The largest defect found in a patient with a large hernia   Parameters       Average / Range / % of total
          involving right subcostal and lumbar area. Intra-opera-  Operative time (in minutes)  78.4 (60 – 120) S.D. = 22.62
          tively, out of total thirteen patients two patient has finding   Defect size    Average = 6.661cm. 2
                                                              – Diameter               Smallest (0.5 × 0.5) cm. /
                                                              – (vertical x horizontal)  Largest (7 × 5) cm.
                      Table 2: Important clinical feature
             Signs and Symptoms                  Percentage   1.  Mild to moderate pain  38.40%
          1.  Swelling                                        2.  Severe and prolonged   15.35%
             Reducible                           38.46        pain
             Partially reducible                 46.15        3.  Acute retention of urine  07.69%
             Non-reducible                       07.69        4.  Seroma               30.76%
          2.  Pain                               38.46        5.  Hematoma             07.69%
          3.  Anatomical location                             6.  Cellulitis           15.38%
             Above the line of umbilicus         38.40        7.  Discharge            15.38%
             Around the line of umbilicus        38.40        8.  Required mesh removal  07.69%
             Below the line of umbilicus         23.07        9.  Recurrence           07.69%
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):85-89                                87
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