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Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia

            MAterIAls And Methods                              after laparoscopic hernia repair. To avoid anxiety in patients, they
            This is a randomized controlled clinical study carried out from   should be forewarned about the possibility of CO   trapped in the
                                                               scrotum, seroma formation, and discoloration of the scrotum and
            November 2016 to July 2017 in 98 patients with inguinal hernias   penis developing a few days after the operation.
            admitted to surgery department of Minia University hospital.   Patients are discharged either on the day of operation or on
            Informed consent was taken. All patients were operated upon   the following day, others occasionally having to remain in hospital
            laparoscopically using prolene mesh. Patients were divided into   because of previous medical conditions. All repairs are reviewed in the
            two groups randomly. Group I includes 49 patients who underwent   clinic two weeks postoperatively and any early complications noted.
            laparoscopic TAPP hernioplasty with fixation and without fixation
            of the mesh, and group II includes 49 patients who underwent
            laparoscopic TEP hernioplasty with and without fixation of the   ethIcAl ApprovAl
            mesh. The mesh was in a size of 7.5 × 11 cm; doubling of mesh had   The title, aim, and plan of the study were discussed and approved
            been done in some cases, others tailoring of the mesh. Tailored   regarding ethics of research in General Surgical Department, Minia
            corner of mesh was positioned infero-medially over the Cooper’s   Faculty of Medicine. Full written, informed consent was obtained
            ligament and pubic bone fixed using a secure strap, while the   from all participants. Manuscript was ethically conducted in
            superior border of the mesh was fixed to posterior rectus and fascia   accordance with Declaration of Helsinki.
            transversalis in TAPP.
               Demographic and clinical data were analyzed (age, type of  results
            hernia, operating time, size of the mesh, fixation of the mesh,   This study was conducted on 98 patients with inguinal hernia. All
            length of hospital stay, recurrence, intraoperative and postoperative   patients had laparoscopic surgical repair with prolene mesh. One
            complications). Rules for preoperative correction of general diseases   female and 97 males suffering from inguinal hernia were included
            and precipitating factors of hernia recurrence were followed.  in the study with a mean age of 42.87 ± 15.02 years old (range
               Patients were hospitalized the day before surgery and   18–73 years) in group I, 36.3 ± 15.18 years old (range 18–77 years)
            underwent routine preoperative evaluation including chest X-ray,   in group II.
            ECG, laboratory studies, and abdominal ultrasound.    The side of hernia in group I was right in 28.6% of patients, left
               Prophylactic broad spectrum antibiotic (amoxicillin + clavulanic   in 61.2% of them, and bilateral in 10.2%, while in group II 34.7%
            acid) was administered at the induction of anesthesia. Some   were right, 61.2% were left, and bilateral in 4.1%. The type of hernia
            patients were operated upon under general anesthesia others   in group I was direct in 31.5% of patients, indirect incomplete
            under spinal anesthesia (then converted to general anesthesia   (pubonocele or funicular) in 59.2% of them, and indirect complete
            due to accidental opening of the peritoneum) with Foley catheter   in 10.2%, while in group II 25.5% were direct, 64.7% were indirect
            inserted in some cases of TAPP.                    incomplete (pubonocele or funicular), and indirect complete in
               The postoperative care of laparoscopic patients immediately   9.8% (Table 1).
            after the completion of the surgical procedure is important and   Operative time in group I ranges between 40 and 110 minutes
            includes appropriate monitoring during the early postoperative   with mean time of about 66.85 minutes, while in group II
            period usually in the recovery room to ensure a smooth transition   ranges between 20 and 105 minutes with mean time of about
            from the anesthetic. Most patients require only routine assessment   52.65 minutes. This difference was statistically significant (Table 2).
            of vital signs. Acutely ill patients or those with significant cardiac   We used single mesh, doubled mesh, and tailoring of the mesh
            or pulmonary disease will require invasive monitoring in an   done in some cases. In group I, fixation of the mesh was done in
            intensive care unit. Appropriate fluids should be administered with   46.9% of the cases, while in group II fixation was done in 42.9%
            consideration to the extent of the dissection, unless there is a specific   (Table 3).
            reason to leave the Foley catheter in place they should be removed.
               Pain management following laparoscopy is generally easier   Table 1: Patient’s demographics
            than following other more invasive surgical procedures. Pain            Group I (TAPP)  Group II (TEP)
            is generally much less with laparoscopy, one of the primary             (n = 49)   (n = 49)    p value

            advantages of this approach. Postoperative analgesia may consist   Age: (years)
            solely of oral medication. Advanced or lengthy procedures may be     Range  (18–73)  (18–77)   0.034*
            accompanied by more pain than simple procedures. Diaphragmatic
            irritation is an important source of postoperative pain and may lead     Mean ± SD  42.87 ± 15.02  36.3 ± 15.18
            to complains of shoulder or neck discomfort. By the postoperative   Sex
            first day, intensity of the surgical pain generally decreases     Male  49 (100%)   48 (98%)   0.315
            significantly and at this point, patients can be maintained on oral     Female    0 (0%)    1 (2%)
            pain medication exclusively.                        Side of the hernia
               Depending on the procedure, resumption of oral intake     RT         14 (28.6%)  17 (34.7%)  0.455
            can begin sooner than with other types of surgery. Following     LT     30 (61.2%)  30 (61.2%)
            laparoscopic hernioplasty liquids can be provided as soon as     Bilateral    5 (10.2%)    2 (4.1%)
            the patient awakens from the anesthesia or shortly thereafter,
            patients are advanced to a normal diet and prepared for discharge.   Types of hernia
            Patients can generally return to work 48 hours after a laparoscopic     Direct  17 (31.5%)  13 (25.5%)  0.793
            hernia repair if they are not required to perform heavy lifting or     Indirect incomplete  32 (59.2%)  33 (64.7%)
            straining. If the patient is doing well without complications, they     Indirect complete    5 (9.3%)    5 (9.8%)
            may resume any heavy lifting, straining, or exercise two weeks   *Statistically significant

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)  125
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