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Safety and Efficacy of Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Pregnancy
                                                               Table 1: Preoperative demographic and clinical data
                                                                Perioperative data  LA (18 patients)  OA (13 patients)  p value

                                                                Age            18–29 (26 ± 2.8)   23–35 (29.2 ± 3.2)  0.7*
                                                                               years        years
                                                                BMI            23.4 ± 3.1   23.1 ± 2.8     0.366*
                                                                Gestation age at   18.4 ± 6.2 weeks  18.6 ± 5.4 weeks  0.317*
                                                                1st trimester  4 (22.22%)   3 (23.08%)     0.342**
                                                                2nd trimester  11 (61.11%)  5 (38.46%)
                                                                3rd trimester  3 (16.67%)   5 (38.46%)
                                                                Previous CS    4 (22.22%)   7 (53.85%)     0.069**
                                                                Preoperative U/S  18 (100%)  13 (100%)     0.764**
                                                                False-positive  2 (11.11%)  3 (23.08%)
                                                                False-negative  2 (11.11%)  2 (15.38%)

                                                               *t test p value

                                                               **Chi-square test p value
                                                               Table 2: The final histopathological diagnosis after operation
                                                                                           LA (18   OA (13   Χ
                                                                Trimester   Final histopathology  patients) patients) p value

                                                                1st trimester  Normal appendix  0  0      1
                                                                           Acute suppurative   3   2
            Figs 1A to D: Laparoscopic appendectomy in pregnant female. (A)   appendix
            Elevation of the appendix with 27 weeks gravid uterus; (B) Ligation   Complicated   1  1
            of complicated appendix using endo-loop after devascularization   appendix
            of mesoappendix; (C) Ligation of the appendix using endo-loop;   2nd trimester  Normal appendix  1  2  0.338
            (D) Appendiceal stump after ligation of the appendix
                                                                           Acute suppurative   7   2
            fundus) for the camera, was inserted by open method (HASSON    Complicated      3      1
            method) to avoid injury to the uterus. Another two working 5 mm   appendix
            ports were inserted on both sides depending on the gestation age.   3rd trimester  Normal appendix  1  1  1
            Pneumoperitoneum by CO   was adjusted to be (10–12 mm Hg).The   Acute suppurative   0  2
            appendix was elevated and the mesoappendix was divided using   appendix
            the bipolar diathermy or harmonic scalpel. The appendiceal stump   Complicated   2     2
            was ligated using endo-loop or intracorporeal stitches. Retrieval   appendix
            of the appendix in a glove was done through the umbilical port
            site (Fig. 1). A drain was inserted to be removed after 1–2 days   Regarding the final histopathology of the appendix, in the
            postoperative.                                     laparoscopic cases normal appendix was presented in two patients,
                                                               acute suppurative in ten cases, while complicated appendix
            stAtIstIcAl AnAlysIs                               was presented in six cases. In open cases, normal appendix was
                                                               presented in three patients, acute suppurative in six cases, while
            Data are presented as means ± standard deviations. Groups   complicated appendix was presented in four cases (Table 2).
            were compared using the Mann–Whitney U  test or χ    test, as   The duration of surgery in LA in this study was 40 ± 18.4
            appropriate. SPSS version 14.0 for Windows was used for all   minutes, and in the OA was 45 ± 15.6 minutes. The time of the
            statistical comparisons, and we considered results to be significant   first flatus and the time of starting oral fluid were earlier in LA.

            at p < 0.05.
                                                               Postoperative complications occurred in three patients. One patient
                                                               developed intra-abdominal abscess two weeks after a laparoscopic
            results                                            appendectomy. She was 25 years old with gestation age of 25 weeks,
            Thirty-one pregnant patients were selected for our study. Eighteen   was treated with application of US-guided pigtail, and antibiotics.
            patients underwent laparoscopicappendectomy (LA), while   She completed her pregnancy and delivered a healthy male baby
            thirteen patients had an open appendectomy (OA). The mean age   by C.S. Two patients developed wound infection after an open
            of the LA group was 26 ± 2.8 years and that of the OA group was   appendectomy, and it was managed with repeated dressing and
            29.2 ± 3.2 years. There were no significant differences in the BMI or   antibiotics (Table 3).
            the gestation age at operation between the two groups. Regarding   In our study, there was no mortality and all patients had
            all patients, seven patients (4 LA and 3 OA) were in the 1st trimester,   uncomplicated deliveries. One patient had a preterm labor of a
            16 patients (11 LA and 5 OA) were in the 2nd trimester, and eight   healthy female baby that entered the incubator for two weeks and
            patients (3 LA and 5 OA) were in the 3rd trimester. In all patients,   discharged without comorbidity. The two groups had the same
            preoperative ultrasound was done with a false positive rate (16.13%)   results regarding the fetal outcomes with no problems or morbidity
            and a false negative rate (12.9%) for all patients (Table 1).  (Table 4).

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)  129
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