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Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia
            Table 2: Operative time                            Regarding size of the mesh, 7.5 cm × 11 cm was mainly used;

                               TAPP (n = 49)  TEP (n = 49)  p value  tailoring of the mesh done in some cases and doubling of the mesh

            Operative time: (min)                              done in other cases.
                                                                  In group I, we used TAPP technique for inguinal hernia; fixation
              Range            (40–110)   (20–105)    <0.001*  of the mesh was done in 27 cases, no fixation was needed in 22
              Mean ± SD        66.85 ± 17.46  52.65 ± 16.54    cases. Two cases recurred in nonfixed mesh. In group II, we used
            *Statistically significant                         TEP technique for inguinal hernia; fixation of the mesh was done
                                                               in 28 cases, no fixation was needed in 21 cases. Two cases recurred
            Table 3: Size and fixation of the mesh             in nonfixed mesh. All recurrent cases converted to open tension

                               TAPP (n = 49)  TEP (n = 49)  p value  free repair.
            Fixation of the mesh                                  In TAPP, regarding size of the mesh we used 7.5 cm × 11 cm
              No               26 (53.1%)  28 (57.1%)  0.685   and only two cases recurred in nonfixed mesh (2%), contrary to
              Yes              23 (46.9%)  21 (42.9%)          our results, Kapiris et al. found in series of 3017 cases of TAPP from
            Size of the mesh                                   two centers over seven years, the recurrence was 5% in initial 325
                                                               cases when the mesh size was 11 cm × 6 cm. The mesh size was
              Single           33 (67.4%)  41 (83.6%)  0.120   then increased to 15 cm × 10 cm and this decreases the recurrence
              Doubled            5 (10.2%)    4 (8.2%)         to 0.16% for the rest of the cases on follow-up.   Sievers et al.
              Tailoring        11 (22.4%)    4 (8.2%)          after prospective study of 776 TAPP procedures found that the
                                                               recurrence rate was 3.9%,   while Soltés et al. after 1058 laparoscopic
            Table 4: Postoperative complications               hernioplasties TAPP done over a 10 years had an overall recurrence
                               TAPP (n = 49)  TEP (n = 49)  p value  rate 0.96%, zero conversion rate, and size of mesh enlarged from

            Early postoperative complication                   7.5 cm × 15 cm to 10 cm × 15 cm.   Also, Hussain et al. had a
              Pain             4 (8.2%)   5 (10.2%)   0.727    recurrence rate of 0.18% in their study done between September
              Seroma           3 (6.1%)   3 (6.1%)    1        1999 and July 2009, on more than 2000 patients who underwent
              Scrotal edema    0 (0%)     0 (0%)      —        transabdominal preperitoneal repair of groin hernia.
                                                                  Bátorfi concluded in their study which was done between
              Urinary retention  1 (2%)   2 (4.1%)    0.558    March 1994 and February 1997 on 160 TAPP that in five cases
            Late postoperative complication                    (3.1%) early recurrences were considered to be caused by technical
              Testicular pain  1 (2%)     1 (2%)      1        inexperience and/or too small prosthetic patch.
              Testicular atrophy  0 (0%)  0 (0%)      —           Regarding operative time in group I ranges between (40 and
              Hydrocele        0 (0%)     0 (0%)      —        110 minutes) with mean time of about (66.85 minutes), contrary
              Recurrence       1 (2%)     1 (2%)      1        to our results, Soltés et al., over a period of 10 year period and
                                                               1058 laparoscopic hernioplasties done, had a mean operating
            Table 5: Duration of hospital stay                 time of 60 ± 24 minutes (30–175), with 46 ± 19 minutes in the last
                                                               three years (last 541 patients).   In addition, the team of Bátorfi, in

                               TAPP (n = 49)  TEP (n = 49)  p value
            Discharge                                          11 years (1994–2005) carried out transabdominal preperitoneal
                                                               herniorrhaphies in 964 patients and had an average operation time
              On the same day  46 (93.9%)  48 (98%)   0.307    of 112 minutes (52–195), in monolateral hernias during the learning
              On the next day    3 (6.1%)    1 (2%)            curve and this was reduced to 57 minutes (40–125).
                                                                  Regarding length of stay in group I, 93.9% patients discharged
                                                               on the same day. Wilhelm et al. investigated 249 patients underwent
               Early complications include pain, seroma, scrotal edema, and
            urinary retention. Pain was 8.2% in group I and 10.2% in group II.   TAPP procedures and they found that the second day after surgery
            Scrotal edema was 0% in all patients in both groups. Urinary   was judged to be the ideal time point for discharge by 81% of all
            retention was 2% in group I and 4.1% in group II. Seroma was the   patients whereas previously that had only been possible in 5%.
            same (6.1%) in both groups. Late complications after 6 months   Accordingly, the postoperative length of stay (including the day of
            include testicular pain, testicular atrophy, hydrocele, and recurrence.   surgery) was significantly reduced from 4.2 ± 0.6 to 3.3 ± 0.6 days.
            Recurrence after 6-month follow-up was 2% in both groups. All   Fixation of the mesh was done by secure strap in TEP 21
            recurrent cases are nonfixed. Testicular pain was 0% in both groups.   cases, nonfixation was done in 28 cases and in TAPP, fixation of
            Testicular atrophy after 6-month follow-up was 0% clinically and   the mesh was done in 23 cases, nonfixation was done in 26 cases;
            by scrotal ultrasound early and late postoperative. Hydrocele was   no recurrence occurs in fixed mesh. Contrary to our results, Craig
            0% in all patients (Table 4).                      Taylor et al. found that mesh fixation appears to be unnecessary
               In group I, 93.9% patients discharged on the same day while in   in TEP repair of small hernial defects. It is associated with higher
            group II, 98% discharged on the same day due to ileus post-TAPP   operative costs and an increased likelihood of developing chronic
            (Table 5).                                         groin pain. The omission of mesh fixation did not increase the risk
                                                               of early hernia recurrence.   Garg et al. conclude with reasonable
                                                               confidence that TEP inguinal hernia repair performed without
            dIscussIon                                         mesh fixation is safe and feasible with minimal recurrence rates.
            In our study, we compare factors that guarantee competence   In addition, the patients in group II needed more pain
            of laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia including size of the   medication immediately after the surgery than group I and urinary
            mesh, fixation of the mesh, age of the patient, and type of hernia.   retention in group I 2% and in group II 4.1%. Increased postoperative
            126   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)
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