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Safety and Efficacy of Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Pregnancy
            Table 3: Operative outcomes of laparoscopic and open appendectomy   acute appendicitis was found in 77.78% (14 patients) in LA, and was
            during pregnancy                                   found in 69.23% (nine patients) in OA. In a study by Chung et al.,

            Outcomes      LA (18 patients)  OA (13 patients)  p value  acute appendicitis was found in 15 (68.2%) patients in the LA group
            Operative     40 ± 18.4 minutes 45 ± 15.6 minutes  0.284*  and 28 (71.8%) in the OA group.
            duration                                              In the last decades, the treatment of choice for acute
            Time to 1st flatus 1.4 ± 0.5 days  2.7 ± 1.2 days  1*  appendicitis during pregnancy was open appendectomy. But
                                                               recently, laparoscopic appendectomy could be done in pregnant
            Time to oral fluid 2.2 ± 0.4 days  4.1 ± 1.9 days  1*  women with good maternal and fetal outcomes.   Our study
            Length of     3.2 ± 1.8 days  5.9 ± 2.6 days  0.9*  supported the safety of LA; the outcomes of LA and OA were the
            hospital stay                                      same. Moreover, some proven advantages of LA, including better
            Complications  1 (pelvic abscess)  2 (wound infection) 0.361**  intraoperative visualization, decreased surgical trauma, decreased

            *t test p value                                    gravid uterine manipulation, shorter postoperative hospital stay,

            **Chi-square test p value                          and faster return to work, maybe even more important in pregnant

                                                               women.   In our study, the LA group had an earlier recovery of bowel
            Table 4: Obstetric outcomes of laparoscopic and open appendectomy   function and shorter hospital stay.
            during pregnancy                                      Guidelines for laparoscopic procedures during pregnancy

                                                       Χ   p     have previously been published by the Society of American
            Outcomes      LA (18 patients)  OA (13 patients)  value  Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)    and
            Preterm labor  1 (5.56%)    0              1       modifications were proposed by Moreno-Sanz et al.    A
            CS delivery   13 (72.22%)   9 (69.23%)     0.856   pneumoperitoneum pressure of 10–12 mm Hg is recommended
                                                               as previous animal studies have demonstrated fetal hypercapnia
            Vaginal delivery  5 (27.78%)  4 (30.77%)   0.856
                                                               and acidosis secondary to CO   pneumoperitoneum in pregnant
                                                               females.   In our study, pneumoperitoneum was adjusted to
                                                               10–12 mm Hg throughout the duration of the operation.
            dIscussIon                                            It has been recommended to position the patient on her left
            The most common abdominal surgery during pregnancy for   side during surgery to prevent uterine compression of the inferior
            nonobstetric causes is acute appendicitis, and its incidence is   vena cava and to facilitate access to the appendix.   Morrell and
            similar to that in nonpregnant women; the diagnosis is difficult   colleagues   have suggested a lateral rotation of the operating table to
            because of the physiologic and anatomic changes that occur   displace the uterus for better venous return. In our study, all patients
            during pregnancy.   The risk for appendicitis does not appear   were placed in a supine position with a slight left side tilt (20–30°).
            to be increased by pregnancy, but the incidence of perforated   One of the most important concerns during LA in pregnancy
            appendicitis in pregnant women is much higher than in the general   is the potential risk of injury to the gravid uterus during ports
            population.   Complicated appendicitis can lead to maternal and   insertion. The Veress needle or the Hasson open technique can be
            fetal morbidity and even fetal loss, so pregnant women should   used to gain initial abdominal access. Even though complications
            undergo immediate surgery when appendicitis is suspected,   have been described for all methods, spontaneous puncture of
            regardless of the gestation age of the fetus.      the uterus with a Veress needle is the most serious.   Friedman
               Acute appendicitis can present at any trimester but half of the   and colleagues   reported results in a young pregnant woman at
            cases can be seen at the 2nd trimester, an observation published   21 weeks’ gestation who underwent LA for suspected appendicitis.
            by Kapan et al. In our study, more than half of the cases were   Injury to the serosa of the gravid uterus with the Veress needle
            presented in the 2nd trimester. But in a study by Kazar et al. and   resulted in postoperative pneumoamnion with subsequent
            Mazze et al., they observed that the most accurate diagnosis for   fetal loss. In our study, we insert the camera port supraumbilical
            acute appendicitis was during the first trimester.       3–4 cm above the uterine fundus with open method (HASSON
               It was known that the change in the physiology and the anatomy   method) according to the SAGES guidelines for laparoscopy during
            during pregnancy made the diagnosis of acute appendicitis more   pregnancy.
            difficult in pregnant women.   The number of negative laparoscopic   Stasis  of  blood  in  the  lower  limbs  is  common during
            and open exploration rates during pregnancy ranges from 0%   pregnancy, so pregnant women are at high risk of thromboembolic
            to 50% and 15% to 50%, respectively.   In our study, the negative   complications. According to the SAGES guidelines, pneumatic
            appendectomy rate was 16.13% (five patients) and it was 11.11%   compression devices were recommended to be used during
            (two patients) in LA and 23.08% (three patients) in OA. In a study by   intraoperative and postoperative periods with early postoperative
            Jun Chul et al., the overall negative appendectomy rate was 9.8%   ambulation to prevent deep vein thrombosis in pregnant

            (9.1% for the LA group and 10.3% for the OA group).    patients,  and this was applied in the study with no postoperative
               In our study, there was no conversion of laparoscopic to open   thromboembolic complications.
            because the operation is done by a highly experienced laparoscopic   The risk of preterm labors with any operative interference
            surgeon. Walsh et al. reported 1% as the rate of conversion of   during pregnancy was reported to be 10–15%. The same was
            laparoscopic to open appendectomy. In this study, none of our   observed after laparoscopic or open appendectomies that were
            procedures converted from laparoscopic to open appendectomy.    reported by Kazar and Roslyn.   The overall rate of preterm labors
               Diagnostic imaging studies are often used to clarify a confusing   was one patient (3.22%) in LA.
            clinical picture. Ultrasonography is widely used as a first-line   In conclusion, laparoscopic appendectomy is distinguished
            diagnostic test because of its safety for the mother and fetus   by safety and efficacy throughout pregnancy and associated
            and its relatively high sensitivity and specificity for many intra-  with good maternal and fetal outcomes, similar to those of open
            abdominal processes. In our study, U/S was done in all patients;   appendectomy. In addition to all the advantages of laparoscopy, LA
            130   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)
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