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Perioperative Outcome of Laparoscopy in the Management of Periappendiceal Abscess
            Table 1: The demographic and preoperative clinical data of the eligible cases
            The demographic features                LA group (143) N (%)       OA group (256) N (%)    p-values
            Age, y (mean ± SD)                         36.3 ± 3.7                38.12 ± 2.6            0.341
            Male: female                                 80:63                     154:102              0.382
            Body mass index                            23.9 ± 3.4                 25.8 ± 3.5            0.546
            Co-morbidities                               33 (23.0%)                 45 (17.6%)
            CAD                                           5 (3.5%)                   6 (2.3%)
            Hypertension                                 15 (10.4%)                18 (7%)
            COPD                                          8 (5.6%)                   9 (3.5%)
            DM                                            5 (3.5%)                 12 (4.7%)
            ASA I, N (%)                               101 (70.6%)                190 (74.2%)
             II                                          42 (29.4%)                 51 (19.9%)
             III                                            0                      15 (5.8%)
             IV, V                                         00                        00
            The preoperative clinical data
            Abdominal pain                             136 (95)                   238 (92.9)            0.471
            Vomiting                                    76 (53.1)                  135 (52.7)           0.303
            Fever                                       91 (63.6)                 157 (61.3)            0.339
            Duration of presentation in days (mean ± SD)  4.3 ± 2.6                5.9 ± 3.6            0.238
            Heart rate (beat /min)                     91.5 ± 22.8                88.6 ± 19.4           0.64
            WBC, ×10 /L                                16.7 ± 3.2                 17.2 ± 3.6            0.144
            Size of abscess (cm)                        4.1 ± 1.6                  4.7 ± 2.8            0.31

            Table 2: The perioperative data and events of both groups
            The intraoperative variables     LA group (n = 143), N (%)  OA group (n = 256), N (%)  p-values   RR (95% CI)
            Operative time, min (mean ± SD)      78.9 ± 28.4           62.1 ± 23.6       0.016     1.79 (0.55–1.42)
            Blood loss, mL (mean ± SD)           19.6 ± 5.2            24.9 ± 7.8        0.351     1.82 (0.69–1.78)
            Use of drains, N (%)                  127 (88.8)           241 (94.1)        0.220     1.75 (0.41–1.38)
            Failed appendectomy, N (%)               7(4.9)                8(3.1)        0.340     1.62 (0.43–1.12)
            The postoperative variables and outcome
            Bowel movements (POD1)                133 (93)             214 (83.6)        0.021     1.52 (0.44–0.69)
            Start of diet (POD1) N                128 (89.5)           156 (60.9)        0.031     1.57 (0.54–0.79)
            Postoperative pain (M ± SD)          3.12 ± 0.41           3.84 ± 0.61       0.145     1.51(0.34–0.59)
            Parenteral analgesics (doses/day)     1.9 ± 0.5             2.8 ± 0.6        0.024     1.42 (0.49–0.67)
            Oral analgesics (doses/day)          1.86 ± 1.14           2.40 ± 2.26       0.035     1.43 (0.34–0.89)
            Postoperative LOS/days                6.4 ± 2.3             7.3 ± 2.6        0.032     1.53 (0.41–0.76)
            Return to normal activity/day        13.5 ± 3.1            17.1 ± 3.3        0.015     1.57 (0.48–0.87)

            Preoperative Assessment and Clinical Data of PA    higher in the cases of the LA group (p = 0.016). The variable of blood
            As depicted in Table 1, the categorical and numerical variables   loss in failed appendectomy trials and the use of the drains was
            were comparable and nearly similar between the cases of both   similar in both groups. Conversion to open surgery was decided in
            groups, including duration of symptoms, clinical manifestations like   six cases due to dense adhesions mostly and they have been added
            abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting, and laboratory tests like WBC.  already to the OA group.

            Intraoperative Data and Complications              Postoperative Variables and Outcome
            The magnitude difference in the operative theater between   The patients (143) with LA were comparable with those (256) with
            both groups was assessed by the operating time measurement,   OA in Table 2 as many variables were comparable and statistically
            intraoperative estimation of blood loss, and the need for blood   significant. Postoperative assessment of gastrointestinal function
            transfusion within the perioperative period. These variables showed   was done by the first bowel movement (the passage of the first
            no statistical difference between the two groups. The intraoperative   flatus or the first audible intestinal sounds) and the start of oral
            data are given in Table 2, where the average operating time was   intake within the POD1. In the matched groups, the first bowel

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