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Perioperative Outcome of Laparoscopy in the Management of Periappendiceal Abscess
            Table 3: The distribution of short- and long-term postoperative complications between the two groups
                                             LA group (n = 143), N (%)  OA group (n = 256), N (%)  p-values   RR (95% CI)
            Short-term primary complications
            Surgical Complications                38 (26.6)              62(24.2)        0.017     1.61 (0.34–1.10)
            Surgical site infection               18 (12.6)             27 (10.5)        0.008     1.88 (0.18–0.81)
            Peritonitis or recurrent abscess       6 (4.2)               4 (1.6)         0.370     1.59 (0.44–1.10)
            Ileus                                 12 (8.4)              21 (8.2)         0.029     1.48 (0.24–0.97)
            Hemoperitoneum                         1 (0.7)               1 (0.4)         0.339     1.52 (0.39–1.10)
            Incision dehiscence                    1 (0.7)               9 (3.5)        <0.001     1.66 (0.01–0.45)
            Short-term secondary complications
            30-day mortality                        00                    00              00            00
            Readmissions                           7 (4.9)               9 (3.5)         0.390     1.47 (0.39–1.10)
            Long-term complications
            Incisional hernia                      2 (1.4)              12 (4.7)         0.046     1.45 (0.44–1.10)
            Mechanical bowel obstruction           1 (0.7)               4 (1.6)         0.280     1.44 (0.54–1.10)

            movements reported within the POD1 were in 133 (93%) cases   Table 4: The analysis of hospital cost/case of each group
            of the OA group and 214 (83.6%) cases after surgery in the OA                 LA group  OA group  p-value
            group (p = 0.021; OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 0.44–0.69), so the start of oral   Equipment cost   $300  $30  0.001
            intake within POD1 was in 128 (89.5%) patients in the LA group vs
            156 (60.9%) (p = 0.031; OR, 1.57; 95% CI, 0.54–0.79). Assessment   Theater cost   $250   $250    –
            of pain postoperatively was achieved using the VAS in POD1 and   Ward cost/night  $650   $650    –
            analgesia was given accordingly. Significant differences were found   Cost of Anesthesia   $290  $230  0.232
            in the postoperative administration of analgesia for both groups    The mean cost of the in-patient    $1490     $1160  0.041
            (p = 0.024), as less postoperative pain was experienced by patients
            of LA. The average postoperative hospital stay was 6.4 ± 2.3 days
            in the cases of the LA group, which was significantly < that of   Analysis of Hospital Cost of the Case
            patients of the OA group (7.3 ± 2.6 days) (p =.032; OR, 1.53; 95% CI,   of Each Procedure
            0.41–0.76). Earlier return to work was noticed in LA with a significant   Marginally higher hospital costs were observed in LA ($1490) than
            difference (p = 0.015).                            the costs of OA ($1160) as given in Table 4.
            Distribution of Postoperative Complications        dIscussIon
            between the Two Groups                             Laparoscopic appendectomy has been broadly accepted and
            As given in Table 3, specific salient SCs were summarized. Mild   performed by various surgeons for uncomplicated AP in several
            and recoverable early gastrointestinal manifestations were   hospitals worldwide. The feasibility and safety of the LA were
            noticed postoperatively. Surgical complications reported in cases   proved in many articles and meta-by analysis 10–12  offering plenty of
            undergoing the LA approach were fewer than in cases undergoing   clinical merits, such as rapidly recoverable ileus, less postoperative
            the OA approach (p = 0.017; OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 0.34–1.10). The   pain, less incidence of SSI, reduced length of stay (LOS), and fast
            diminished rate of SSI (p = 0.008; OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 0.18–0.81) and   return to normal daily activity. Surgeons have recommended the
            dehiscence of the incision (p < 0.001; OR, 1.08; 95% CI, 0.01–0.45)   use of laparoscopy for appendectomy; however, the benefit of its
            was reported in cases receiving LA compared with cases receiving   use in complicated appendectomy is still controversial. 13–16
            OA. About 12 of 143 cases (8.4%) with LA had experienced ileus,   There has been a lack of adequate evidence supporting the use
            which was obviously < the 21 of 256 cases (8.2%) of the OA   of laparoscopy for the management of complicated appendicitis.
            group (p = 0.029; OR, 1.48; CI, 0.24–0.97). About 7 cases in the   Some studies have shown almost equivalent results of the two
            LA group had readmissions against 9 cases in the OA group    approaches with respect to morbidity and mortality;  many studies
            (p = 0.392). Reoperations of the cases of the recurrent intra-  clarified significant benefits of the laparoscopic technique, such as
            abdominal collection were conducted by open approach and   less postoperative pain, shorter LOS, 19–21  the chance of exploration
            cases of ileus were treated conservatively. Significant differences   of the peritoneal cavity, ease of suction irrigation under vision, and
            were found in the variable of the incisional hernia incidence, and   better cosmetic results. 22
            the difference was higher in cases with OA than in cases with LA.   The current prospective observational study addressed the
            Mechanical bowel obstruction was noticed to be lower in cases of   surgical issue of whether the laparoscopic approach efficiently
            the LA group compared with the cases of the OA group, but this   does the improvement of various types of surgical recovery and
            comparison was statistically insignificant (p = 0.283). No cases of   diminishes the incidence of specific SCs in cases of PA in comparison
            mortality were recorded in the follow-up of the cases of the study.  with traditional open surgery.

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