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            Role of Hysterolaparoscopy in Evaluation of Subfertility

            Saraswati Ramesh , Harinath KS , Soumya Rajshekar Patil 3
             Introduction: Diagnosing and treating subfertility is a most rapidly evolving area in modern medicine. Advances in endoscopic surgery have
             revolutionized the diagnostic and management approach to an infertile couple. Unlike USG and HSG, hysterolaparoscopy single-handedly
             provides information regarding uterine, ovarian, tubal, as well as pelvic pathology.
             Materials and methods: A prospective analysis was performed at BEST Institute and Research Centre, AV hospital, Bengaluru, over a period
             of 2 years. Couples presenting to the infertility clinic were subjected for thorough history taking, general examination, and gynecological
             examination. All necessary investigations were performed. Women who approached with fertility issues as a complaint and who could be
             potentially benefited from hysterolaparoscopy were included in the study.
             Results: A total of 102 patients were evaluated in the study, out of which 67 (65.7%) women had primary infertility and the rest (34.3%) had
             secondary infertility. Ovarian pathologies such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis of the ovary, and PCOS were the most common abnormality
             detected on laparoscopy followed by uterine pathologies. The most common hysteroscopic pathology was a polyp.
             Conclusion: Combined hysterolaparoscopy is a safe, effective, and reliable tool in comprehensive evaluation of subfertility. It should be considered
             as a definitive day-care procedure for evaluation and treatment of female subfertility.
             Keywords: Diagnostic laparoscopy, Infertility, Hysterolaparoscopy.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2022): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1519

            IntroductIon                                       1,2 Department of MIS Gynecology, BEST Institute and Research Centre,
            The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as “inability   AV Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
            of a sexually active, non-contracepting couple to achieve pregnancy   3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, JSS Academy of Higher
            in one year”.  The couple who have never conceived before are   Education and Research, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
            classified as primary infertility and who have had at least one prior   Corresponding Author: Soumya Rajshekar Patil, Department of
            conception, irrespective of the outcome, are classified as secondary   Obstetrics and  Gynecology,  JSS  Academy of  Higher  Education  and
            infertility. Subfertility describes any form of reduced fertility. The   Research, Mysuru, Karnataka, India, Phone: +91 9739667595, e-mail:
            desire for children is not universal, but childlessness is a tragedy to
            many couples, even in developed countries. Relationships between   How to cite this article: Ramesh S, Harinath KS, Patil SR. Role of
            couples can become strained when children are not forthcoming,   Hysterolaparoscopy in Evaluation of Subfertility.  World J Lap Surg
            and the onus of sub/infertility in most societies is placed on the   2022;15(2):116–119.
            woman. Infertility in women was ranked the 5th highest serious   Source of support: Nil
            global disability.  World Health Organization estimates that 60–80   Conflict of interest: None
            million couples worldwide currently suffer from infertility and the
            overall prevalence of primary infertility in India to be between 3.9
            and 16.8%. 2                                       significant pathologies that are missed by above all diagnostic
               Diagnosing and treating subfertility is the most rapidly evolving   modalities such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis,
            area in modern medicine. Whenever a sub-/infertile couple visits   adhesions, tubal pathology, and genital tuberculosis, and it is also
            a specialist, they undergo thorough examination and a battery   proved effective in long-term unexplained subfertility.  Pelvic
            of tests to help pinpoint the cause of sub-/infertility. There are   pathology is best identified by laparoscopy. Additionally, pathologies
            a number of diagnostic assessment methods such as evaluation   warranting surgical procedures and tubal patency testing can be
            of the female hormonal system, semen analysis, ultrasound,   done in the same sitting. Though hysterolaparoscopy is effective
            hysterosalpingography (HSG), and hysterolaparoscopy. Ultrasound   in managing infertile women, it cannot be used as a primary
            is most frequently used in detection of uterine pathologies   diagnostic tool as it is an invasive procedure. However, due to its lower
            and adnexal masses. Fallopian tubes are not routinely seen on   complication rates, minimal invasiveness, and a day-care facility,
            ultrasound, unless if there is a hydrosalpinx. Hysterosalpingography   it is widely accepted among gynecologists. One of the significant
            has been a standard test in the workup of infertile couples for   causes of infertility in India, genital tuberculosis, can be easily
            evaluating tubal patency. The sonohysterogram (SHG) is also an   diagnosed with laparoscopy.  The present study aims to highlight the
            addition for intrauterine evaluation recently. 3   effectiveness of hysterolaparoscopy in evaluating female subfertility.
               Advances in endoscopic surgery have revolutionized the
            diagnostic and management approach to an infertile couple.   MAterIAls And Methods
            Unlike USG and HSG, hysterolaparoscopy single-handedly provides   A prospective analysis was performed at BEST Institute and
            information regarding uterine, ovarian, tubal, as well as pelvic   Research Centre, AV hospital, Bengaluru, over a period of 2 years.
            pathology. It is one of the most effective tools in diagnosing certain   Couples presenting to the infertility clinic were subjected for

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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