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Comparative Study of the Effect of Various Bariatric Surgery Methods
            nonsurgical group, baseline AST levels increased up to 36.20%, 12   The Chi-squared test showed that mini-gastric bypass surgery
            months after surgery. Therefore, the highest decrease in patients’   significantly reduced grade III fatty liver 12 months after surgery
            AST was observed in the gastric sleeve group with 34.95%.  compared to before. While 21.6% of patients in this group had
               According to Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, ALT had a normal   grade III fatty liver, 12 months after surgery, the percentage of these
            distribution in all four groups (p >0.05). The results of ANOVA test   patients decreased to zero. In other words, it led to a 21.6% reduction
            showed a significant difference in the mean ALT of patients in   in patients with grade III fatty liver. On the other hand, the rate of
            different groups before and after surgery. Mean ALT in patients   patients with low-risk or grade I fatty liver increased from 32.8 to
            significantly decreased from 19.58 to 18.9% in the gastric sleeve   91.2%, 12 months after mini-gastric bypass surgery. In other words,
            group 12 months after surgery compared to before surgery   it increased 58.4% of patients with grade I fatty liver.
            (p = 0.017). The percentage of ALT reduction was 19.58, 18.9 in   The Chi-squared test showed that RY gastric bypass surgery
            patients 12 months after surgery compared to before surgery in   significantly reduced grade III fatty liver 12 months after surgery
            the gastric sleeve and mini-gastric bypass groups, respectively. The   compared to before. While 17.5% of patients in this group had
            ALT levels in patients receiving RY gastric bypass surgery decreased   grade III fatty liver, 12 months after surgery, this percentage
            by 15.18%, 12 months after surgery compared to before surgery.   decreased to zero. In other words, it reduced 17.5% of patients with
            However, in the nonsurgical group, baseline ALT levels increased   grade III fatty liver. On the other hand, the rate of patients with low-
            up to 12.51%, 12 months after surgery compared to before surgery.   risk or grade I fatty liver increased from 39.8 to 100.0%, 12 months
            Therefore, the highest decrease in patients’ AST was observed in   after RY gastric bypass surgery. In other words, it increased 61.0%
            the gastric sleeve group with 19.58%.              of patients with grade I fatty liver.
               Chi-squared test showed that gastric sleeve surgery significantly   While 16.9% of patients in this group had grade III fatty liver
            reduced NSF score 12 months after surgery compared to before   at the beginning of the study, 12 months later the percentage
            surgery. While 27.6% of patients in this group were considered   increased to 58%. In other words, it led to an increase of 41.1% in
            high-risk, 12 months after surgery, the percentage of these people   patients with grade III fatty liver. On the other hand, the rate of
            decreased to 13.8%. In other words, it reduced 13.8% of high-risk   patients with low-risk or grade I fatty liver decreased from 34.9 to
            patients with NSF (or NSF above 0.67). On the other hand, the rate   12.7% after 12 months. In other words, it resulted in a reduction of
            of patients with low-risk or NSF below −1.5 after 6 months and 12   22.0% of patients with grade I fatty liver in this group.
            months of gastric sleeve surgery increased from 13.8 to 81.4%. In
            other words, it resulted in an increase of 67.6% of patients with NSF
            in the low-risk or normal range.                   dIscussIon
               Chi-squared test showed that mini-gastric bypass surgery   Since NAFLD is the most common chronic liver disease, proper
            significantly reduced the NSF score 12 months after surgery   treatment can prevent its complications, such as cirrhosis or liver
            compared to before. While 33.6% of patients in this group were   fibrosis. Although diet, exercise, and weight loss are the main
            considered high-risk at the beginning of the study, this percentage   treatment options for NAFLD, diet and exercise for weight loss in
            decreased to 9.1%, 12 months after surgery. In other words, it   patients with morbid obesity have little success. For this reason,
            resulted in a 24.5% reduction in patients with NSF in the high-risk   today, a variety of surgical methods for weight loss and thus
            range (or NSF above 0.67). On the other hand, the rate of patients   prevention of liver complications is being studied. Therefore, further
            with low-risk or NSF lower than −1.5, 12 months after mini-gastric   studies are necessary because few studies have been conducted
            bypass surgery increased from 11.0% at the beginning of the study   on the effect of obesity surgery as the most effective and lasting
            to 76.6%. In other words, it resulted in a 65% increase in patients   method of weight loss in these patients on the improvement of
            with NSF in the low-risk or normal range.          NAFLD, and research suggests increased liver fibrosis after obesity
                Chi-square test showed that RY gastric bypass surgery   surgery. The background shows there are no significant studies
            significantly reduced the NSF score 12 months after surgery   comparing the effects of different types of obesity surgery on fatty
            compared to before. While 26.1% of patients in this group were   liver. Therefore, we examined the effect of three types of obesity
            considered high-risk at the beginning of the study, this percentage   surgery methods (including gastric sleeve, mini-gastric bypass, and
            decreased to 6.5%, 12 months after surgery. In other words, it   RY gastric bypass) on liver enzymes and grading of NAFLD based on
            reduced 19.6% of patients with NSF in the high-risk range (or NSF   ultrasound in 900 adult and pediatric patients. In this study, most
            above 0.67). On the other hand, the rate of patients with low-risk   patients in all four groups were of female gender. The patients
            or NSF below −1.5 after 12 months of RY gastric bypass surgery   underwent follow-up at the beginning of the study and then 6 and
            increased from 10.0% at the beginning of the study to 84.4%. In   12 months after surgery. The results of our study showed that all
            other words, it resulted in an increase of 74.4% of patients with NSF   three types of surgery had a significant effect on BMI reduction 6
            in the low-risk or normal range.                   and 12 months after the surgery, such that the rate of BMI reduction
               The Chi-squared test showed that a significant increase was   in patients were 33.53%, 34.95%, and 32.77%, respectively, in gastric
            observed in the percentage of high-risk patients during follow-up.   groups sleeve, mini-gastric bypass and RY gastric bypass12 months
            While 16.2% of patients in this group were considered high-risk at   after surgery compared to before. Therefore, the highest decrease
            the beginning of the study, 12 months after surgery, this percentage   in patients’ BMI was observed in the mini-gastric bypass group
            increased to 54.7%. In other words, it increased 38.5% of patients   with 34.95%. Conversely, in the control group, a 6.2% increase in
            with NSF in the high-risk range (or NSF above 0.67). On the other   patients’ BMI was observed 12 months after follow-up. These results
            hand, the rate of patients with low-risk or NSF below −1.5 decreased   indicated that all three of these surgeries had a significant effect
            from 24.0% at the beginning of the study to 9.3% after 12 months.   on reducing the BMI of obese patients.
            In other words, it resulted in a reduction of 14.7% of patients with   The results of our study also showed that all three types
            NSF in the low-risk or normal range.               of surgery significantly reduced AST and ALT enzymes 6 and

            112   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 2 (May–August 2022)
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