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Comparative Study of the Effect of Various Bariatric Surgery Methods
            Table 3: Comparison of fatty liver grade in different groups before surgery
             Fatty liver grade    Control       Gastric sleeve  Mini-gastric bypass  RY gastric bypass  p
             Grade I               53               94               82               97
                                  34.9%            37.8%            32.8%           39.0%
             Grade II              73               113              114             109               0.19
                                  48.2%            45.2%            45.6%           43.5%
             Grade III             26               43               54               44
                                  16.9%            17.0%            21.6%           17.5%

            Table 4: Comparison of fatty liver grade in different groups 12 months after surgery
             Fatty liver grade    Control       Gastric sleeve  Mini-gastric bypass  RY gastric bypass  p
             Grade I               19               11              103               32
                                  12.7%            91.7%            91.2%           100.0%
             Grade II              44                1               10               0               <0.001
                                  29.3%            8.3%             8.8%               0.0%
             Grade III             87                0               0                0
                                   58%               0               0                0

               A review by Chavez–Tapia et al. showed that to date, no clinical   patients, while these two findings were found in people who
            trials have been conducted on the effect of obesity surgery on   used the gastric balloon had lost significantly less weight and was
            NAFLD in obese patients. Only 21 retrospective and prospective   almost insignificant in people who had lost weight by nonsurgical
            studies were performed in which the severity of steatosis and   methods.  Also, in another study conducted by Nascimento
            inflammation improved, and four studies showed an increase in   et al. on 40 people, it was shown that the degree of liver fibrosis
            postoperative fibrosis. 7                          measured by NFS in patients undergoing surgery in private centers
               In a study by Karcz et al. 236 obese patients underwent   from 7.1 to 0% and in patients undergoing surgery in governmental
            laparoscopic sleeve surgery and were followed up for 3 years.  The   centers decreased from 30.8 to 23%.  Therefore, the results of these
            results of this study showed that, firstly, there is a strong association   studies indicate the positive effect of surgery on the improvement
            between high levels of transaminases and NASH diagnosed based   of NFS, which is largely in line with our research findings. In our
            on pathology. Among the patients with NASH, the amount of liver   study, all three types of surgery significantly reduced the risk of
            enzymes decreased by more than 50% after surgery. The results of   liver fibrosis during 6 and 12 months of follow-up in patients, such
            this study are somewhat consistent with the findings of our study.   that the rate of reduction of high-risk NSF (or NSF above 0.67)
            However, in our study, the rate of decrease in the level of liver enzymes   of patients was 13.8, 24.5, and 19.6%, respectively, in the gastric
            after surgery was less than this report, which probably affects the   sleeve, mini-gastric bypass and RY gastric bypass groups 12 months
            baseline levels of these enzymes and the disease grade, and the   after surgery compared to before. On the other hand, the increase
            number of patients. In our study, all three types of surgery significantly   in patients with low-risk or NSF below –1.5 was 67.6, 65.0, and
            reduced AST and ALT enzymes during 6 and 12 months follow-up,   74.4%, respectively, 12 months after surgery in the gastric sleeve,
            such that the rate of AST reduction in patients were equal to 8.69,   mini-gastric bypass and RY gastric bypass groups. Conversely, in
            2.24, and 0.81%, respectively, in gastric sleeve, mini-gastric bypass,   the control group, a 38.5% increase in the frequency of high-risk
            and RY gastric bypass groups 12 months after surgery compared to   NSF was observed in patients 12 months after surgery. So, these
            before, and the rate of ALT reduction in patients were 19.58, 18.9, and   results indicate that performing all three types of surgeries have
            15.18%, respectively, in gastric sleeve, mini-gastric bypass, and RY   a significant effect on reducing high-risk NSF in obese patients.
            gastric bypass 12 months after surgery compared to before.
               In another study, Aldoheyan et al. reported that fibrosis,
            steatosis, and NASH improved to varying degrees at the end of 3   AcknowledgMents
            months in 27 patients undergoing obesity surgery.  The findings   The authors thank Ali Asghar Clinical Research Development Center
            of this study are largely in line with the results of our research.  for editorial and search assistance. We used data from National
               Also, few studies have compared the effects of various surgical   Obesity Surgery Database, Iran. The authors express their gratitude
            procedures on liver and LFT tests. For example, Kalinowski et al.   to National Obesity Surgery Database team who provided them
            reported that LFT worsens shortly after RYGB surgery and returns   such useful data.
            to baseline after 1 year, and this increase in liver tests is less after
            sleeve surgery.  In another study, Ruiz–Tovar et al. reported that   references
            hepatic steatosis evaluated by ultrasound completely improved     1.  National Academies of Sciences Engineering, and Medicine. Obesity
            by up to 90% after sleeve surgery.  In another study, Manco et al.   in the early childhood years: state of the science and implementation
            showed that sleeve surgery was able to completely eliminate   of promising solutions: workshop summary. National Academies
            NASH in all patients. It also reversed stage 2 fibrosis in 90% of   Press; 2016. Ebook.

            114   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 2 (May–August 2022)
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