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Comparative Study of the Effect of Various Bariatric Surgery Methods
            Table 1: Comparison of liver fibrosis scores in different groups before surgery
             NFS                                      Control  Gastric sleeve  Mini-gastric bypass  RY gastric bypass  p
             High probability    High probability      24         69             84             65
                                                      16.2%      27.6%         33.6%           26.1%
             NSF1 low probability  Low probability     36         34             27             25         <0.001
                                                      23.8%      13.8%         11.0%            0.0%
             Intermediate probability  Intermediate probability  90  147        139             160
                                                      60.0%      58.6%         55.4%           63.9%

            Table 2: Comparison of liver fibrosis scores in different groups 12 months after surgery
             NFS                                      Control  Gastric sleeve  Mini-gastric bypass  RY gastric bypass  p
             NSF3                High                  82         21             24             16
             High probability    probability          54.7%      8.5%           9.1%            6.5%
             Low probability     Low                   14         204           192             211        <0.001
                                 probability           9.3%      81.4%         76.6%           84.4%
             Intermediate probability  Intermediate probability  44  25          35             23
                                                      29.3%      10.2%         14.1%            9.1%

            12 months after surgery, such that the rate of AST reduction in   bypass groups, respectively, 12 months after surgery compared to
            patients was 8.69, 2.24, and 0.81%, respectively, in the gastric sleeve,   before. Therefore, the highest decrease in patients’ grade III fatty
            mini-gastric bypass, and RY gastric bypass groups 12 months after   liver was observed in the RY gastric bypass group with 38.8%.
            surgery compared to before. Therefore, the highest decrease in   Conversely, in the control group, a 41.9% increase in grade III fatty
            patients’ AST was observed in the gastric sleeve group with 8.69%.   liver was observed in patients 12 months after surgery. Therefore,
            Conversely, in the control group, a 36.2% increase was observed in   these results indicate that performing all three types of surgeries
            patients’ AST 12 months after surgery. Also, the rate of ALT reduction   significantly reduces the fatty liver grade III in obese patients
            in patients was equal to 19.58, 18.9, and 15.18%, respectively, in the   (Tables 3 and 4).
            gastric sleeve, mini-gastric bypass, and RY gastric bypass groups 12   Therefore, the results of this study showed that all three types
            months after surgery compared to before. Therefore, the highest   of surgery have a significant role in the results of ultrasound and
            decrease in ALT of patients was observed in the gastric sleeve group   fatty liver grading compared to the nonsurgical group. In this
            with 19.58%. Conversely, in the control group, a 15.51% increase   regard, several studies have examined various parameters such
            in patients’ AST was observed 12 months after surgery. Therefore,   as the degree and stage of fatty liver, the severity of fibrosis,
            these results indicate that performing all three types of surgeries,   liver enzymes, liver steatosis before and after surgery, and their
            especially sleeve surgery, plays an important role in reducing AST   results are largely in line with our research findings. For example,
            and ALT in obese patients.                         a prospective cohort study by Aldoheyan et al. evaluated
               In this study, liver fibrosis status was one of the factors that   surgeon impact bariatric on histological, metabolic, and hepatic
            were evaluated in patients of all four groups at baseline and 6 and   function status of 27 patients for 3 months.  Most patients
            12 months after surgery. Our results showed that all three types of   (75%) were of female gender, which is consistent with our study.
            surgery significantly reduced the risk of liver fibrosis during 6- and   Their results showed that bariatric surgery significantly leads to
            12-months follow-up, such that the rate of reduction of high-risk   histopathological changes in the liver with weight loss, reduction
            NSF (or NSF above 0.67) of patients was 13.8, 24.5, and 19.6%,   of liver stasis, liver fibrosis, and NAFLD activity three months after
            respectively, in the gastric sleeve, mini-gastric bypass, and RY gastric   surgery. These results are largely in line with our research findings.
            bypass groups 12 months after surgery compared to before. On   Although the duration of follow-up varied, in our study, all three
            the other hand, the increase in patients with low-risk or NSF below   types of surgery significantly reduced BMI, the risk of liver fibrosis,
            −1.5 was 67.6, 65.0, and 74.4%, respectively, in the gastric sleeve,   and grade III fatty liver in patients.
            mini-gastric bypass, and RY gastric bypass groups 12 months after   Another study by Ooi et al. on 84 patients with NAFLD showed
            surgery compared to before. Conversely, in the control group, a   that the fatty liver in these patients improved shortly after bariatric
            38.5% increase in the frequency of high-risk NSF was observed in   surgery and weight loss (10–15%) and caused a significant decrease
            patients 12 months after surgery. Therefore, these results indicate   in ALT.  These results are largely in line with our research findings.
            that performing all three types of surgery significantly reduces   In our study, all three types of surgery significantly reduced BMI,
            high-risk NSF in obese patients (Tables 1 and 2).  thereby reducing the risk of hepatic fibrosis and grade III fatty liver
               The ultrasound results of the patients during different time   in patients. In our study, the reduction in BMI of patients was 33.53,
            points showed that all three types of surgery significantly reduced   34.95, and 32.77%, respectively, in the groups of gastric sleeve,
            grade III of fatty liver during 6- and 12-months follow-up such that   mini-gastric bypass and RY gastric bypass 12 months after surgery
            the rate of reduction of grade III fatty liver in patients were 17.0, 21.6,   compared to before, which is almost twice the amount reported
            and 39.8% in the gastric sleeve, mini-gastric bypass and RY gastric   in a study by Ooi et al.

                                                        World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 2 (May–August 2022)  113
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