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Role of Helicobacter pylori in Chronic Abdominal Pain and Endoscopy-suggested Gastritis
            Patients with abdominal pain due to gall stone, renal stone, chronic   according to occupation revealed that the laborer was commonly
            pancreatitis, hiatus hernia, esophagitis, and esophageal candidiasis   found positive to the RUT (n = 17) (Table 2).
            were excluded.                                        In 11 and 19 patients of positive urease test, the duration of
               Detailed patient history and data obtained from the routine   abdominal pain was 3–6 months and 6–12 months, respectively
            clinical and physical examination were recorded in pro forma. Upper   (Table 3).
            gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed using local anesthesia   Retrosternal burning (n = 30), nocturnal association (n = 17),
            in the left lateral position with flexed knees and hips and hands   and periodicity (n = 18) were the commonly observed symptoms in
            between the legs. A plastic mouth gag was placed and held firmly   patients. Whereas, loss of appetite and weight loss were observed
            by the assistant. The endoscope was passed into the oropharynx   in five and four patients, respectively.
            crossing the cricopharynx into the esophagus, asking the patient to
            swallow until the passage from the cricopharyngeal sphincter. The   dIscussIon
            esophagus, stomach, first and the second part of the duodenum
            were viewed and screened for pathology. If the patient was   The most common cause of gastritis is an infection of H. pylori.
            detected with gastritis (mucosa inflamed and edematous associated   It is a microaerobic bacterium found in the gastric mucosa. The
            with congestion), then biopsy was performed at various sites in the   prevalence of this bacterium is affected by various factors such as
            antrum of the stomach. If the patient with duodenum pain for more   geographic distribution, age, race, and socioeconomic status. Its
            than 6 months and was normal to radiological examinations, then   diagnosis is categorized based on endoscopic and nonendoscopic
            biopsy was performed on normal mucosa.             tests.  The serological test for antibody shows exposure to bacteria;
               The specimen obtained from the biopsy was subjected to a   however, it is insufficient in the assessment of active infection.  RUT
            RUT. Commercially prepared liquid urea broth medium was used   provides evidence regarding infection by identifying the presence
            for the test. Immediately after collection, the sample was incubated   of nonmammalian enzyme, i.e., urease, in, or on the gastric mucosa.
            using 1.5–2 mL of urea broth at 37°C for 36 hours. Change in the   The study aimed to assess the role of H. pylori infection among
            color of the liquid urea broth from pale yellow to deep pink was   patients with chronic abdominal pain and endoscopy suggested
            considered a positive test.  Depending upon endoscopy findings,   chronic gastritis and also to evaluate the association of endoscopic
            severity, and urease test, appropriate treatment was given. Patients   findings and RUT.
            were advised for follow-up a week after.              Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is usually performed to
                                                               assess the symptoms of upper abdominal pain.  However, the
            Statistical Analysis                               endoscopic diagnosis of H. pylori gastritis based on the gross
            Data were analyzed using R Studio V 1.2.5001 software. Categorical   appearance of the gastric mucosa is not recommended. Either
            and continuous variables were expressed in frequency and   pathological evaluation of biopsy of gastric mucosa or detection
            mean ± SD, respectively. A Chi-square test was used to find the   of urease in the mucosa by RUT produces accurate diagnosis
            association between variables. p <0.05 was considered statistically   of H. pylori infection.  H. pylori genes code for bacterial urease,
            significant.                                       which is essential for its metabolism and colonization of the
                                                               gastric mucosa. The presence of this enzyme in the sample is
                                                               visualized by hydrolyzing urea in a test medium to form ammonia
            results                                            and carbon dioxide. The color change from pale yellow to
            The average age of the patients was 42.64 ± 14.30 years. Most   pink is considered as positive RUT. 8,12  In this study, endoscopy
            of the patients of the study were male (74%). The endoscopic   investigation suggested gastritis in 76% of the patients. Among
            investigation suggested gastritis in 76% (n = 38) of patients among   these patients, 62% were positive to RUT. In the study of Mahesh
            which n = 31 patients were positive to the RUT. In patients of normal   et al., endoscopy gastritis was found in 81.54% of patients and
            endoscopic findings (24%, n = 12), the RUT was positive in n = 5   RUT was positive in 83.54% of the patients.  Similarly, the study
            patients. A significant association was found between endoscopy   Table 2: Distribution of RUT according to occupation
            suggested gastritis and RUT (p = 0.013). Patients of 31–40 years of
            age (n = 11) were most commonly affected with the H. pylori. The   Occupation  Number of patients (n)  Positive RUT % (n)
            detailed distribution of RUTs according to the patient’s age-group   Laborer  21         89.95 (17)
            is shown in Table 1.                                Housewife              11            63.64 (7)
               RUT was predominantly positive in males (75%, n = 27)   Business/service  10             70 (7)
            compared to females (25%, n = 9). Distribution of the patients   Student     8           62.50 (5)
                                                               RUT, rapid urease test
            Table 1: Distribution of RUT according to age
            Age (years)   Number of patients (n)  Positive RUT % (n)  Table 3: Distribution of RUT according to the duration of abdominal pain
            11–20                  2                0           Duration of abdominal
            21–30                  9             6 (66.67)      pain (months)      Number of patients  Positive RUT % (n)
            31–40                15             11 (73.33)      <3                        4             25 (1)
            41–50                  9             7 (77.78)      3–6                     16            68.75 (11)
            51–60                  8             7 (87.50)      6–12                    24            79.17 (19)
            >60                    7             5 (71.43)      >12                       6           83.33 (5)
            RUT, rapid urease test                             RUT, rapid urease test

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